why now?...

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A/N: 1 week from where we left off

Timeline: middle of December

(This is the day before Sora leaves)

Huge credit to EndlessIArtist19 For helping me write this chapter

They are also writing their own fanfic so make sure to check that out 😊

Warning: this chapter contains cuss words
(Might have spelling mistakes)


It's Sora's last day here in Texas, he moves tomorrow morning.

I going to see him later tonight because there might be a chance that I might not see him in the morning when he leaves.

He's leaving and I'm not sure when I'll see him again, it might be years from now. I might even be married by the time I see him again and thinking about that scares me...a lot. In fact I might not even see him ever again...that scares me even more.

I hear knocking on my door

"Come in" I shout

It's Jacob and Marcus

They have been checking up on me every single day, which I don't mind but in moments like these you would want to be by yourself.

"Lunch is ready" Jacob says

"I'm not hungry" I say

Lately I haven't been hungry, I haven't had energy to do anything except get up and get ready for the day. Which is useless since after I get ready I just lay in bed for hours until Sora comes at night.

"You have to eat something" Jacob says

"You haven't been eating well in the last few days" Marcus says

"Fine" I say

I get up from my bed and I follow them downstairs

Once we get to the dining table I sit down, my parents can instantly tell that I'm not okay.

But I don't want them to notice, I don't want them to ask me about it.

I just want to be alone...


I'm in my room, it's completely in boxes now. Well except for my piano, I think I might leave it here.

My closet door is slightly open and I can see that there's a box in there.

I go over and take the box out, I definitely don't want to forget this one.

It's the box that Jaxx gave me, I had another box filled with other gifts and stuff that Jaxx and the squad gave me so I decided to just put everything in one box.

I hadn't had the time to look at the stuff inside so I decide to look at some stuff.

I open the box and the first thing I see is an outfit, the one that Alex made for me and Jaxx.

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