I hate you.

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A/N: 1 week from where we left off

Timeline: beginning/Middle of January

Warning: this chapter contains cuss words and some mature stuff


Me and Jaxx have been hanging out a lot lately in the last few days, although he has also been a bit close with Candi. Like more than friends close.

It's upsetting but I've been like that with Alice, only because we have to though.

Today though, the band, Candi, Jaxx, and I are going to a bar downtown.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door

"Come in" I shout

It's my assistant and my driver Elias

"Sir your friends are here" my assistant says

"Okay I'll be there in a minute" I say

About a month ago I moved out of my dad mansion, best decision ever!

I'm finally out of some of my dad's trouble.

I go downstairs and I see everyone waiting for me.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting" I say

"It's okay, we understand you need time to get beautiful" Jay says jokingly

I laugh

"Sure...if that's what you think" I say

"Is everyone ready to go?" Elias asks

We all nod our head yes and we leave to go to the bar


I'm at the bar with Sora, Candi, Alice, William, and Jay

It's pretty nice so far.

I forgot to mention that it's a karaoke bar

Everyone orders drinks except for me and Sora

"You don't drink?" I ask Sora

"Not really, only during special occasions." Sora says

"Oh same" I say

He laughs

"Come on guys, not even a shot or beer?" Jay asks

"Loosen up a bit guys" Candi says

"Fine" me and Sora say

And we order a beer

"It does feel nice to take a break from work" Sora says

"And the whole wedding drama" Alice says

"Wedding?" Candi asks

Everyone looks at Alice and Sora

"My father wants me and Alice to get married" Sora says

We meet again {Soraxx story}Where stories live. Discover now