The truth

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"Stacy...l...I'm sorry but I don't like you like that, you are a very very sweet and kind and beautiful person and anyone would be lucky to have you, but your not the person I like.."

"I understand"

" I would love to get to know you better though, can we be friends?" I say hoping that she would say yes so it wouldn't be awkward

"Yes I would like that"



Stacy told me what happened between her
And Jaxx and I felt bad for her but she also explained to me that she also had a crush on a different guy which made me confused but at the same time that's how Stacy is.

Stacy told me that Jaxx said he liked someone, which I wonder who it could be, he hadn't mentioned anyone in the last few weeks.

At the same time I'm having a difficult time finding out what my feelings for Jaxx are...

I know that if I were to tell Stacy that I have feelings for Jaxx she would get upset at me...

I don't want to ruin my bond with Stacy because she's the person that has helped me through hard times.

I guess I'll just keep it to myself for a bit longer.....

*2 DAYS Later*


Jaxx is coming over later to study for a tests we have, he said that he has something to tell me so I'm wondering what it is... I think it's about the dance or maybe Stacy but I'm not sure what it is.

I've been dying to tell someone about my feelings for him, I feel like I just need to get it off my chest...

I hear the door bell ring, it must be him.

I go downstairs to see that Stacy opened the door for him, they seem to be getting along pretty well, Jaxx seems to notice me and says "hi"

"Hi" I say in a probably very awkward voice.

Stacy looks at us and winks, which made me confused

"Uhh let's go up to my bedroom"


We go up to my bedroom and I'm still wondering why Stacy winked at us, maybe she didn't even wink at us maybe she winked at Jaxx.

"I still can't believe you have a piano in your room" Jaxx says while looking straight at the piano.

"Yup, I think that's probably my favorite thing out of my whole room"

"I feel like if I had a piano in my room I probably will never come out if it"

We both chuckle



Me and Jaxx were in the middle of studying when I remembered that Jaxx had something to tell me earlier.

"Hey Jaxx."

"Yea Sora?"

He looks into my eyes which makes my heart seem to sort of stop.

"I-umm remember when you said that you had to tell me something"

"Oh umm yea"

Jaxx gets closer to me and I feel my heart beating faster


The door opens, Jaxx moves away and looks at who is at the door, it's Stacy...

"Sorry to interrupt your studying but Jaxx your mom called she wants you home for dinner umm yea..."

"Oh umm ok"

He looks at me with a kind of worried face...

"I'll umm see you guys at school...umm bye"

He leaves...

And for some reason it feels like my heart hurts and I'm just sitting there and I start to feel tears come out of my eyes...

Stacy notices and come and sits next to me and hugs me.

"Sora....what's wrong?"

I sob "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry"

"Wha-...why are you sorry?"

"Stacy...I like Jaxx..."

Stacy looks me in my eyes, I can see tears coming out.

"Oh's ok"

"No it isn' like him"

"Sora...I don't like him anymore, he explained to me why he didn't like properly at school yesterday and I understood why, he doesn't like me and I don't like him...I'm sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't tell me"

"I was scared of losing our bond if I told you but...thank you for understanding"

"Of course Sora, you can always tell me anything no matter what."

We just stay there hugging...

We meet again {Soraxx story}Where stories live. Discover now