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A/N: this is about 2 weeks after they made things official and came out

Time line: beginning of December


It's been about 2 weeks since me and Sora made things official and it's been the best 2 weeks of my life, my parents and Sora's mom were so supportive about everything, sadly Sora's dad can't know since he won't support it, but that's okay.

I finish getting ready for school and go downstairs to eat breakfast, my mom and dad are already at the table waiting for me.

"Hi good morning" I say and sit down at the table

"Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" My mom asks me

"Yea I slept well" I say and take a bite of my food

"Oh Jaxx I forgot to tell you that your brother is coming home from college" my mom said as she got up from her chair and went into the kitchen

I choked on my food a bit "wait Jacob is coming back from Corpus Christi? I thought he planned to not come until spring or summer?"

"We thought that too but he changed his mind" my dad said and took a sip of his coffee

Jacob is my older brother, our age difference is 10 years which is a lot, me and Jacob are extremely close, although he's in a different city he still calls and texts me every day, he knows about Sora and the squad but he doesn't know that I'm dating Sora.

Hopefully when I tell him he'll take it ok.

I finish my food and say bye to my parents and head outside, usually I meet up with Sora at school since he's always early but this time I saw him waiting outside sitting on his front yard steps.


"HURRY UP" I yelled at Stacy

Stacy usually always takes long to get ready but today she was taking an extremely long time.

"I CANT FIND MY SHOES! THE UNIVERSE HAS SOMETHING AGAINST ME TODAY" Stacy yelled as  she ran around the house looking for her shoes

I roll my eyes "I'm going to wait outside"

"OKAY" Stacy yelled

I go outside and sit down, then I hear someone talking to me

"Your not at school yet?"

I look up to see who it is, it's Jaxx. He reaches out his hand in front of me and I grab it, he pulls me up and hugs me

"Hi" I say quietly

"Hi" Jaxx says while still hugging me and he kisses me on my cheek

I chuckle and we pull away from the hug

"Why aren't you at school yet? Your usually there way before me" Jaxx says and he laughs a bit

"Stacy is taking forever to get ready"

Jaxx laughs

"Well I'm sure she won't mind if we go ahead without her"

"Her friends usually walk with her so I'm sure she won't"

Jaxx grabs my hand and we start walking to school holding hands

"So my brother is coming back home tomorrow"

I look at Jaxx "Oh....brother y-your brother is coming tomorrow"

"Yea...he knows about you...he just doesn't know that we are dating"

We meet again {Soraxx story}Where stories live. Discover now