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A/N: 1 week from where we left off

Timeline: A few days before Christmas

Warning: chapter contains a small amount of cuss words, might also contain spelling errors ☹️💔

I recommend reading the authors notes at the end to answer some of your questions 😊


It's been a week since Sora left, worst week of my life to be honest. Some people say that I might be overreacting and that it was just some stupid romance, but it wasn't. For me it wasn't.

Luca and Light still aren't back together yet, which doesn't make me feel better.

I've been in my room all week, the only reason I get up is to get ready for the day, eat, and use the restroom. Which getting ready for the day is useless since I never do anything but I also hate being dirty.

I've been playing "Mr Loverman" by Ricky Montgomery on repeat for that last week.

Jacob and Marcus are getting really annoyed of it.

I'm laying down on my bed, the sun is shining on my face. It feels nice. "Mr. Loverman" is playing loudly on my Tv

Then Jacob comes into my room.

"Okay that's enough" Jacob says as he grabs my tv remote to turn off the tv

"Hey!" I shout

"Come on, get up" Jacob says


Then Marcus comes into my room and behind him is the squad

"I just want to be alone" I say

Alex walks towards me and sits on the edge of my bed

"I know your upset about Sora and we all miss him too but if sora saw you this way he would be extremely upset" Alex says

She's right.

"Why don't you hang out with us today" Luca says

"I...don't know" I say

"You've been rotting in your bed the whole week" Light says

"Come on, let's go have fun" Charli says

"Fine" I say

"Finally, alright get up" Jacob says

And he pulls me out of bed

"Vamonos" Alex says

We all laugh

We go to the mall to buy gifts for everyone since it's almost Christmas. Levi's friend Kai also came along.

We spilt up as a group and I went with Alex, Charli went with Light, and Luca, Levi and Kai went together.

Me and Alex go to a clothing store first and she starts looking at some really nice shirts.

She picks out a nice navy blue sweater

"Do you think Sora would like this?" Alex asks

I look at her with a confused face

"Sorry what?" I say

"Well since Sora isn't going to be with us I thought maybe we can send him a box filled with Christmas presents" Alex says

"Oh" I say

Then I properly look at the sweater

"Yea, I think he will like it" I say

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