I promise.

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A/N: this chapter is 3 hours after the ending of the last chapter

Credit to EndlessIArtist19 for helping me write this chapter!

Make sure to check out their fanfic as well!

Warning: this chapter may contain mention of eating disorders and other mental health issues, Cuss words, Sort of Sexual as well.

Might have spelling mistakes


Sora is coming over in a few minutes, I'm happy but also sad. It's currently 5 pm and Sora gets to stay over until 12 am tonight. His dad has a weird working schedule.

I walk downstairs and I see Jacob, Marcus, and my parents getting ready to leave. My mom opens the front door

"Where are you guys going?" I ask

Jacob stops what he's doing and looks at me

"We are going to go have dinner" Jacob says

"We wanted you and Sora to join us but we thought that since it's Sora last day here that maybe you two would like to be alone" Marcus says

"I wanna go" I hear a voice say

I look at the front door and I see Sora there, smiling.

I chuckle a little

My mom and dad then hug Sora. They really love him.

Then Sora walks up to me.

"Please can we go?" Sora asks me

"Your really short" I whisper to him

"I didn't ask if I'm tall or short, I asked if we can go"

We laugh

"Yea, I guess we can go" I say

"Alright then, let's go" My mom says

And then we leave.

We go out to this nice restaurant. It's Sora first time actually going out to eat with my family and me.

He seems to be enjoying it, he's laughing while my parents are telling him embarrassing stories about me and Jacob.

It's embarrassing for us but Marcus and Sora always seem to enjoy it.

Our food arrives and for some reason I don't feel hungry and Sora seems to notice it right away.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Sora asks me

"Umm I'm not really hungry"

"You have to eat something though" Sora says

"I had something earlier"

"But that was earlier"

I look down at my plate of food. It's makes me disgusted for some reason

"It's okay, you can do it" Sora says

I take a spoonful of my food and just look at it before eating.

We meet again {Soraxx story}Where stories live. Discover now