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A/N: to stop any confusion 😅 Sora and Jaxx had their first kiss around mid October and since then they have been sort of going out (not officially) so the timeline of this chapter is around the beginning of November

TW: homophobia comments


It's been a few weeks since me and Jaxx had our first kiss...and well there has been a bit more kissing since then...

Me and Jaxx still aren't official or labeling anything but we are sort of going out...secretly.

Last week was a bit awkward though.

I probably forgot to mention that me, Alex, Charli, Luca, and light had officially came out publicly so most people at school knew that we were queer.

I didn't think much of it at first until I was asked out by a boy in front of Jaxx! It was awkward because I didn't know what to say, I apologize and said that I wasn't interested, then It hit me that situation like this will definitely happen more than just one time and not just with me but with Jaxx as well.


Being in a secret relationship is not as easy as I thought, me and Sora have been sort of going out, we aren't official yet but I think we might be soon.

Lately I've been doing research about different sexuality and I think that I might be bisexual, I think I feel comfortable being bisexual but I'm still not sure.

although me and Sora have been mostly keeping things a secret, there are a couple people that know, for example Stacy Sora's sister found out because we weren't acting awkward around each other, A teacher that me and Sora are both very close to found out because we were supposedly acting "suspiciously couple-y" whatever that means, but so far those are the only two people that know.

I'm at school early again, I walk into the music room where I see Sora there and next to him is a girl.

They both turn towards me, I'm guessing i interrupted a conversation between them.

"Well there he is, you can go ask him in person now" said Sora

He sounded a bit annoyed but to be honest the girl next does have a very high pitched voice which does get annoying after a while.

"Hi Sophie" I said in a awkward tone, I probably forgot to mention that her name is Sophie and by the tone of my voice I DEFINITELY didn't want to talk to her.

"Hey Jaxx!, I wanted to ask you something"

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me"

"Oh umm..." I looked at Sora, i didn't know what to say

"Sorry Sophie, I can't...I'm- I don't like you like that"

"Oh...ok" she said looking disappointed and then she left...

I felt bad but I knew that I couldn't say yes.

"What are you going to do now?" Sora asked

I was confused at Sora's question at first but then I remember that Sophie is known as one of the popular "hot girls" at our school and literally no boy has ever rejected her, which means for me it's going to be bad...

"I don't know what I'll do, but I'm sure she won't do anything bad" I said and boy was I wrong...



I walk into school the next morning with Sora, we decided to meet up at the blossom tree instead of the music room today, as we walk in we see people whispering and staring at us, I didn't think much of it but as I turn around to look at Sora I see that he looks extremely anxious and a bit scared.

I put my stuff away in my locker and head to home room, I sit next to Sora and I see girls just staring at me and whispering, at some point I heard one of their conversations.


GIRL 1: "Hey did you hear that the red headed guy is supposedly gay"

GIRL 2: "yea! Supposedly Sophie asked him out and he said no because he's gay"

GIRL 1: "it's true Sophie told me, how gross"

*they laugh*

GIRL 2: "supposedly he's dating the blue headed guy next to him"

GIRL 1: "I wonder what the school thinks about this, Sophie is telling everybody"



Hearing all of that made me want to cry...

I wasn't even out and now rumors were starting! I looked at Sora and he looked sad...really sad.

At the end of class me and Sora were stopped by Alex...

"I'm so sorry guys...I don't know if all of these rumors are true but if they are I'm so sorry" she said

I didn't know what to say so I just hugged her



The whole day has been basically filled with rumors, and technically they aren't rumors because it's true but people don't know that...

The rumor stopped after the squad said that it was "fake news" they helped things calm down and people even apologized to me, although the squad helped us it also meant that me and Sora are out to them but it doesn't bother me because I know that I can trust them.

Sophie got in trouble for spreading a rumor and she has been ignoring me which doesn't bother me at all.

At the end of the day me and Sora are finally calm about everything and I realized something....

I'm bisexual and I'm confident that's my sexuality.


A/N: Jaxx is finally confident in his sexuality 🤩🥳
Which means Sora and Jaxx might be official soon 👀 this chapter was a bit sad to write and definitely rushed because I didn't know what to make this chapter about 😭 but that's ok because it still turned out great (I hope)

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