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A/N: this chapter is 8 years from where we left off

Ages: Sora, Charli, Light we're 15 in the last chapter and are now 23
Jaxx, Luca, Alex were 16 in the last chapter and are now 24
Levi was 17 in the last chapter and he is now 25

Jobs: (Sora: Singer) (Jaxx: Voice Actor/Actor) (Charli: Voice Actor) (Light: Voice Actor/Director/Film maker) (Luca: Voice Actor) (Levi: Author) (Alex: YouTuber/Influencer)

Warning: this chapter contains cuss words

Timeline: Around the end of November



I'm in my office, the cold fan air blowing on my face.
I had just submitted a new audition for a show.

I check my phone, there's around 100+ notifications from fans and other people. I don't really check things though.

I hear a knock on my office door.

"Come in" I shout

It's Alex

"Hey Alex, what's up?" I say

"Hey, your assistant let me in" Alex says

"Of course, did she give you trouble this time?" I say jokingly

Alex laughs

"No not this time"

"So what's up?" I say

"Did you submit that audition that you were working on?"

"I just did, I have a busy schedule this week though"

"I bet, have you seen the messages I sent you?" Alex asks me

"No I haven't, I'm not on my phone much and I'm trying to not be on it too much"

"Look at it" Alex says

"Do I have to?" I ask

"It's about Sora!" Alex says

And believe it or not, that convinced me to look at it

I grab my phone and open the message

It a bunch of articles and I open one

The headline says

"Singer Sora and his band mate Alice are rumored to be dating"

Then it shows a picture of them holding hands, it makes me kinda sick

I look at the picture properly, Sora's cyan blue hair is fading and his natural dark brown hair is finally showing.

When I was with Sora he only let his natural hair show once and it was when he was in a bad place...

"He's not happy" I say to Alex

"well you don't know that, and he and Alice are smiling in the photos" Alex says

She's right with the smile part, but I know Sora.

"His cyan hair is fading away, he only did that when he wasn't happy" I say

"He did get a role in a movie so maybe he needs his natural hair for the role" Alex says

She's also right on that...

"Jaxx people are allowed to change and besides you and Sora broke up and haven't seen each other in 8 years!"

"I know that me and Sora haven't seen each other in 8 years and change is okay but the thing is..."

We meet again {Soraxx story}Where stories live. Discover now