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Y/N's Pov:

Today is no different from the rest. Me and Jake have been working at Smart+aid for a long time now.

Today, I was working on some stuff with Shelly in the back when we heard the phone ring. Shelly answers, "Hello?" She says as she picks up the phone. I couldn't listen to what the other person on the phone was saying. Eventually, Shelly pulled the phone away from her ear and then turned around to look at me.

"Y/N, go get Jake. Someone wants to talk to him."

I nodded at her and went to look for Jake. I found him in the diaper section, where he was standing with a bunch of diapers on the floor. I saw some rich kids from school walk away from him while laughing. They were such assholes.

I turned to him and called his attention. "Jake... phone for you," I yelled as he followed me to the back, where Shelly was waiting to hand him the phone.

He took the phone from Shelly, and she walked away. Jake put the phone towards his ear and started talking to the person on the other side.

After a few exchanges of words, Jake hung up and turned to me. "who was it?" I asked him. Curious because Shelly never specified who it was

"It was my dad. He said I needed to go to my grandpa's after work."

"Alright... do you want me to drive you? I haven't seen your grandpa in forever."

"That would be great, thank you"

We exchanged smiles, and he walked away to fix the destroyed adult diaper wall.


I started the car and drove off.

We drove in silence for a while. It wasn't unusual for us to hang out in silence. We just enjoyed each other's company, and silence was never awkward. Jake turned his head and looked at me.

J= "Thanks for the ride, Y/N"

Y= "No problem.... so how come you gotta deal with your grandpa?"

J= "My dad couldn't get out of work."

Y= "I didn't think he worked."

I haven't seen Jake's dad in a while. He was rarely there when I was over at Jake's house, and the times he was there, he would just be watching TV all day. I wasn't close with him either because he was like a bitter older man. I was closer to Jake's mom.

"you know... I'm just going to call Grandpa." Jake pulled out his phone and dialed his grandpa's home phone. After a while, his grandpa picked up the phone. The volume on Jake's phone was loud enough so I could hear it.

A= "Hello!! This is Abe."

J= "Hey, it's Jake."

"No, don't come here!... Listen to me! It's not safe! Stay away!" He screamed at Jake over the phone. Jake and I looked at each other, concerned about why Abe acted like this.

"Grandpa... Did you take your pills today?" Abe was known for not taking his medicine because he always complained he never needed it. He would refuse to accept them until Jake begged him to take his medicine as a kid. Jake was Abe's soft spot.

A= "The key!... to my gun cabinet... it was in my drawer, but it's gone!"

J= "Yeah, Dad took it... alright, for safe keeping... it's okay."

A= "Your father wants me to fight them without a gun?"

He hung up on Jake. I had a bad feeling about that call. It sounded like he was uneasy. He was unstable, and Jake's dad normalized that he was insane, so I just ignored that feeling.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now