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Y/N's POV:

Everyone is rushing to pack their things in a panic. Miss Peregrine said that if we were to be finished packing by tonight we would leave. In fear of the hollows and Mr. Barron coming sooner.

I helped in the best way I could. We had all the suitcases in a neat pile. Ready to be picked up and for us to leave. I had my bag rested against one of the suitcases, as it was getting in the way of me helping the others.

Miss Peregrine was crouched down pack one of the suitcases as everyone rushed to gather everything.
"I mustn't forget our calender. Could you fetch it from the parlor please, miss Avocet." She sais as she closed the suitcase with the help of the twins sitting on it so it could close completely.
"Go and help the others." She told them as they walked away.

I rushed up the stairs helping to gather a few more things. But halfway up the stairs we heard the doorbell ring. I stopped, standing in fear, hoping it was just someone from 1963 coming to speak to Miss Peregrine.

Miss Peregrine was hesitant to open the door. For the first time she wasnt expecting it, or knew who it was. Thats how I knew it was a routine for them. As I was standing there, Enoch came down the stairs worried. He might have heard the doorbell aswell.
Soon all of were at the middle of the stairs except for Emma who was at the very bottom of the stairs standing in fear.

He must've seen the look on my face since he grabbed my hand for comfort. I began to hear something. A voice.
"Please, please already be gone." It was Jake's voice. He seemed scared.

"Its Jake, I can hear him." I tell Enoch. He looked at me unsure. Until Miss Peregrine finally opened the door. Taking a step back in fear. The door fully opened and every was frightened.

"Miss Peregrine, what a pleasure to meet you at last. May we come in?" The man I assumed to be Mr. Barron says as Miss Peregrine lets him in, having no other choice.

He was holding Jake with a massive sharp object to his neck. I gasped wanting to help Jake but Enoch preventing me from doing so.
"Not now Y/N." He said holding me closely.
He stood infront of me to hide me from Mr. Barron.

"Children! Would you make your way down the stairs, please?" He says as all of us slowly start walking downstairs but were stopped by Miss Peregrine's words.
"I give the orders in this house, Mr. Barron."

"Not today. You should know that Jake has served his purpose. If you value his life, I suggest everyone does as they're told. Children! Shush!" He says screaming at us.

"Shush! No one tells my children what to do!" She points her finger at him and he seems a little bit scared and shocked at her but still knows he has the upper hand.
"Children... come down here, please." Her tone changes to a more gentler one.

We all walk down the stairs, Enoch's hands intertwined with mine. We make our way to the bottom of the stairs where Emma is, as she joins us walking closer to Miss Peregrine.

"Miss Peregrine-" Mr. Barron tries to speak before being cut off.
"I thought I told you to be quiet." She says, which makes him go quiet. I laughed at the fact that we was so scared of her even though he had the chance to take over. Her tone changes again once she talks to us.

"Children... for Jake's safety...we're going to do what Mr. Barron asks. He wishes to take me with him to his rendezvous in Blackpool. So, for his projection, he'd like me to assume burd form, preferably caged. He'd like you to make your way into a lockable room, such as the parlor... as he wont release Jake if he fears an attack could be mounted upon him... once he loses his leverage. Coorect, Mr. Barron?"
She finishes talking, leaving Mr. Barron speechless. Almost forgetting he's in control.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now