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Y/N's POV:

As we sailed to Blackpool, I was at the front of the ship watching as the water crashes at the bottom of the ship as we aproach the deck of Blackpool.

Enoch was incharge of controlling the ship as it approached the shore. I watched as the door of the ship opened and Jake, Emma and Millard walked out.

They walked towards a ghost train ride. I assumed it was where the loop entrance was. Jake looked at me and gave me a smile. I returned the smile as I watched him enter the loop.

I looked at the ocean, wondering how the fuck I got here. On a previously sunken ship, in the year 1943, planning to kill fucking monsters that eat peoples eyes. If I ever told anyone what happened theyd put me in a mental hospital.

As I was lost in my thoughts I heard a voice behind me.
"You alright?"
I turned my head,
It was Horace.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just admiring the ocean."
"Well thats enough admiring, we have to go and prepare before Jake, Emma and Millard arrive at the place. And also be prepared to be bombarded with question by Enoch asking if your okay. Hes been staring at you from the control room the moment you came out here. I also dreamt about it." He let out a chuckle before pointing to the control room.

I followed his finger to see Enoch staring at me, giving me the sweet smile he always does once I saw him. I laughed and smiled back at him before walking with Horace inside the ship.

As we both walked inside the ship the others were waiting for us so we could get ready. The moment Enoch saw he ran up to me.
"Are you okay? Is everything alright?"
I heard a laugh from Horace, he was right, per usual.

"Yes I'm okay, why does everyone think I'm not okay?" It was concerning, everyone was giving me a look of pity.

"You were just out in the front of the ship for so long and we though you were gonna jump off." Hugh said jokingly before Olive hit him on the shoulder.
"No we didnt, you just seemed sad. We were worried." She said
"Yeah especially Enoch" Bronwyn says with a little giggle.
"Im okay guys, I was just admiring the ocean."

I was touched that they were worried for me. I felt at home.

"We don't have much time, we have to go." Enoch said and he picked up Bronwyn and made everyone go before him. I picked up Claire, so we could get to the loop faster without worrying about leaving the smaller ones behind.

We walked out of the ship and quickly ran towards the loop entrance. We didn't have much time left, by this time the others were probably already at the cellar.

We walked into the loop and walked out the doors. The atmosphere changing, from empty and melancholy to cheerful, snowy and crowded. People all around enjoy the carnval that was happening.

"What was the plan again?" Hugh asked.
"We need to find a way for the hollows to be visible so that they will be easier to fight." I responded.
"How will we do that?" Fiona said.
"The snow. We can through it at them and it'll stick to them, and the cotton candy over there." I said again.

We decided on being at the top of the ghost ride would be the best angle to throw the snowballs. We helped the little one to climb the top. We did get strange looks from people but that wasn't important right now. As I was about to climb to the top aswell Enoch stopped me.

"I need your help with something, come with me" he says.
I follow him inside the ghost train ride back to the loop entrance, right back to the ship.

"What is it you needed help with?" I asked him as we head back to the ship.
"Im going to make an army of skeletons to fight the hollows once we'll be able to see them. Jake said he'll give us the signal once the hollows arrive. This is the only time I've actually liked Jake's ideas." He responded as he ran to get his case of hearts. I chuckled at his last comment.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now