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Y/N's POV:

Enoch and I walked into the dining room. Everyone except for Emma and Jake were already there. Enoch sat at the other end of the table, across from Miss Peregrine. I sat on one of the chairs next to him. We were all sitting there talking to one another. Enoch and I were talking and laughing together. I felt Olive's eyes on me. I could tell she was jealous. 

All of a sudden my head started to hurt. I started hearing things in my head. "I hate her. I hate her. Get away from Enoch." The voice sounded like Olive's but when i turned to look at her she wasn't saying anything at all. "Hey are you okay?" I hear Enoch's voice, snapping out of my thoughts. I turned to him, he had a concerned look on his face. " Yeah, I'm okay. My head just hurts a bit." I smiled at him.

Jake and Emma finally came into the dining room. Emma sat next to Bronwyn, buckling herself to the seat so she could sit down. Jake tried so sit next to her but he mistakenly sat on Millard. Millard shouted at him causing Jake to quickly get up, everyone giggling at the sight.

"Millard. Go and put some clothes on. Polite persons do not take their supper in the nude." Miss Peregrine said to him. He walked out. "You can sit... here Jake." I said to him. There was an empty seat next to me, and I wanted him to sit next to me. But he had already sat next to Emma.

"Look at Enoch, he's jealous." Horace says grinning. "Why would I be jealous? Y/N can go marry Jake, for all I care." He said quickly. I was a bit hurt. "Don't be mean Enoch, she doesn't want you. She and Jake are just good friends." I laughed to myself at Fiona's comment. I did want Enoch but I couldn't say that. "No one is marrying anyone. Now eat up your food before it gets cold. 

We all started eating. I saw Jake staring at his food not touching it. He looked at me and I gave him a death stare, signaling him to eat his food. Thankfully he listened and started eating. Hugh opened his mouth to eat and all the bees came flying out, swarming the whole dining room. Everyone groaned and started swatting away the bees. "Where's your net?" Asked Emma. He pulled out his net and put it on, collecting back all the bees before continuing to eat.

"Must be very strange for Jake and Y/N. Meeting your grandparents' friends. Visiting another century." Fiona said. "Are there spaceships in your time? Like the Flash Gordon books." Olive asked Jake. "Now, now Olive. What did I saw about asking questions? We don't discuss the future here. We enjoy living in the good old here and now." She says, eating her food. She looks over at Claire who is quietly sitting down with her food in front of her. "Claire, Why aren't you eating?" "She's embarrassed in front of Y/N and Jake." Hugh answered for Claire. "Don't be Claire, its alright." I reassured her. 

She smiled before grabbing  the large piece of chicken on her plate. Lifting up her hair and feeding the sharped teeth mouth behind her hair. She placed the fully cleaned bone on the plate smiling. Jake was a bit shocked but I just smiled at her. I didn't want her to feel as if I was scared of her, which i wasn't. Miss Peregrine grabbed a a napkin and wiped the mess on the sharped teethed mouth.

"Jake, Y/N. What's your peculiarity?" Horace asked us. "I'm not peculiar. At least I don't think I am." I answered. " I'm not peculiar either." Jake said as well. "And that my friends, is why they will not be staying with us. No matter how much we try to persuade them." Enoch said abruptly. I was kind of hurt by his words. Why was he so rude towards Jake and I? "We've spoken about this. Y/N and Jake are just visiting." Miss Peregrine told him. "They might want to stay." Hugh interrupted. " Do you want to stay, Jake. and you too Y/N." Olive asked. Her tone changed when she said my name, like she only wanted Jake to stay but not me. I didn't really care. I thought it would be nice if I stayed. "Tonight? or..." Jake said unsure. "Forever, you should stay forever." Claire said excitedly. "Why would they, if they don't have to? They could grow older, have a good time instead. They'll leave just like Jake's grandfather did, with Beatrice strolling behind him." Enoch said, he sounded offended at the fact everyone wanted us to stay.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now