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Y/N's POV:

​​​We all walked to the ghost train. The atmosphere was different than before. We had defeated Barron but there were still Hollows out there, waiting to attack. The atmosphere was filled with sadness and melancholy. This would be our departure, saying goodbye to Jake. We killed Barron before he killed Abe, that ment the timeline was different and he was gonna be alive once the loop closed. That ment we wouldnt have gone to Cairnholm. I wonder how my absence would be different in this timeline. I could only wonder as I was not staying. Why?... Honestly I dont know. I felt like an outcast in my own timeline and I wasnt ready to relive the experience of going to school and getting bullied, I would much rather stay on a ship with my loving boyfriend sailing around the sea in the year 1943. Yes I know it sounds crazy but its the truth, I could never go back to 2019... ever.

As we arrived at the ghost train, Jake stood at the steps of it as he looked at everyone with sadness in his eyes. The younger ones said their goodbyes first, hugging him before walking into the ghost train back to 1943. Next was Olive. She hugged him aswell, giving him a smile. I could tell she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. She walked away from him, meeting the others at the end of the loop. Surprisingly, Enoch went up to him and gave him a hug, he said something to him that I wasnt able  to hear as he walked to the entrance not exiting the loop just yet.

It was my turn, as I walked up to him I took a deep breathe before I spoke.
"I'm gonna miss you, Jake." I said to him.
"I'm gonna miss you too, Y/N" He said to me.
"If... Abe is still alive, tell him I wish I couldve said hi and tell him he took really good care of me when my grandma died and I miss him too." I said again.
"I will... I promise." I smiled at him before hugging him, squeezing him as tight as i could, knowing this would be the last time I will see my bestfriend in the whole wide world. I let go and gave him one more saddened smile that he returned before walking away. Seeing Enoch waiting for me. He reached out his hand as I held it, walking out of the loop together to give Emma and Jake some privacy.

As Enoch and I walked back to 1943, he looked at me.
"Are you going to be okay? I know its hard for you to leave behind Jake." I nodded at him with a smile.
"Im okay, and its just a bit hard, But I know this is where I want to be." He smiles back at me, giving me a kiss before we walked into the ship.

Enoch's POV:

Its been a few weeks since we departed ways from Jake. The ship is still in the same place as it was. at blackpool, by the dock. We decided that since we had no where to go we'd stay here until we can find a loop we can travel to. Everyone has been enjoying their time living outside a loop, not having to live in a endless cycle of each day, but we know its not safe this way. Hollows are out there and we must find a safe loop where we can hide and be safe.

On this particular day, Y/N and I were in one of the rooms in the ship, we made into our room, decorating it how we'd like... well decorating it with what we had on the ship. Unfortunately with World War II going on and our lack of money, there wasnt alot of options for open stores in Blackpool. Y/N and I laid on the bed together, I was reading a book I found on the ship, I was able to dry it without ruining the pages. It was early in the morning and Y/N was still asleep,  laying next to me snuggled in the blanket as the sunlight starts to shine through the circular window in the room. I looked at her, admiring her messy hair and her cute face she has when she sleeps. I go back to reading my book, patiently waiting for my darling to wake up.

After a while I hear shuffling, I turn to see Y/N slowly waking up, opening her eyes to look at me, giving me a sleepy smile as she stretches.
"Goodmorning darling." She says to me as she sits up to give me a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodmorning my love." I say back to her.
"Youre up early. How comes?" She asked me as she got up to head to the bathroom.
"No reason, just woke up a bit early today." I smiled as she walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I put my book on the nightstand next to me and got up to meet
Y/N in the bathroom. I had already brushed my teeth but I just felt like following her. There was something about her, she was like drug, and I wanted to be near her 24/7. I walked up behind her and hugged her from behind as she brushed her teeth.
"Someone is a bit clingly today. Dont worry my love its a good thing." She said as after washing out her mouth. I let out a chuckle before she grabbed my arm and led me back to bed.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now