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Jake's POV:

I walked inside the house, running upstairs to look for Y/N.

I just found out I'm peculiar and a whole bunch of new information about everything. Is she peculiar too?

I walk towards Enoch's room to ask where she was. Emma said thats where she left them after asking if they were joining us for the walk. I turn the door knob, completely forgetting to knock as Enoch was always persistent on people knocking.

As I walked in I saw it. Enoch and Y/N laying in bed together, naked.
"Jake!" Y/N yells covering herself up with the sheet.
I look away, staring at the window, trying not to scream. She slept with him.

"Im so sorry. Can you please meet me downstairs Y/N."
"Yeah sure, just leave. I'll be there in just a second."
I walk out as quickly as I could slamming the door behind me.

How could she sleep with him out of all people. I wish I told her sooner how I felt, but now I know she doesn't feel the same way. I walk down the stairs, seeing Emma waiting for me.

Emma and I had a moment during the walk and I'm so confused about my feelings. I think I like Y/N but I also like Emma. I didn't even know if Emma liked me back, but I never had a moment with Y/N like i did with Emma.

"Where's Y/N?." She asked.
"Uhhh, she coming down in a minute."
"You okay, Jake? You looked like you've seen a ghost."
"Yeah, Im good." I lied right to her face. Yes I was upset at what I just saw but I was not about to tell Emma what I just say. Y/N is still my best friend.

After a while Y/N finally came down. We stared at eachother not knowing what to say.


Y/N's POV :
~5 minutes ago~

The door swings open and I quickly get up. Jake stares at me in shock.
"Jake!" I shout, covering myself as I was naked. Enoch grabs you by the waist bring you closer to him to help you hide yourself.

"Im sorry. Can you please meet me downstairs Y/N." He said looking away.
"Yeah sure, just leave. I'll be there in a minute." I said. He walked out slamming the door behind him.

"Shit." I say, quickly getting out of bed picking up my clothes off the floor. Enoch lets out a laugh and picks his clothes off the floor aswell.
"How are you laughing right now? Jake just fucking saw us. In the worst way possible." I say as I put on my clothes.
"I wouldn't say the worst way. Now he knows." He says once he finished putting on his pants. He walks closer to me.
"Yeah he knows that we had sex." I said. I quickly put on my shirt.
"Yes, but he also knows that your mine." He wraps his arm around my waist pulling me into a kiss. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"Yes I am. Now I have to face him downstairs. Ill be right back." I walk out of his room saying bye before walking downstairs. As I walked downstairs I locked eyes with Jake. We stood there in awkward silence. Emma looked at us both weirdly.
"What's wrong? Did something happen upstairs? Where's Enoch?"
"Nothing happened. Enoch's upstairs he'll be down in a minute. What is it you wanted me to come down here?" I say.

She looks at me and tells us that Miss peregrine has the answers we need. We follow her into the sun room. We saw Miss Peregrine sitting on the arm of the sofa, smoking her pipe.
"Whats this all about?"
"It's about what happened to my grandpa, monsters were the ones that killed him."
We all sat down on the sofa.
"What?" I said confused. Emma left the sun room to get a book Miss Peregrine had requested for.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now