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Y/N's POV:

We got there and walked inside. We looked around the place, walking over all the burned ashes and rubble. Jake found a picture on the floor. He blew off the dust and we looked at it. It was the headmistress and the children. Our grandparents didn't lie to us. Well, not entirely. 

He put the photo down, and we walked around until we entered a room where there was still a working clock surprisingly. We went upstairs and looked around the hallway. We walked into a room filled with jars and toy parts. I knew exactly whose room it was. I was always intrigued by Enoch's personality, and Enoch himself. My grandma knew he was my favorite as a kid. Mostly because i had a crush on him as a kid, I still kinda do know, but now that i know he's dead, part of my crush is already gone. 

I snapped out of my train of thought as i followed Jake back into the hallway. We turned our heads to see a blonde haired girl, wearing a pastel blue dress, standing at the end of the hallway.

"Abe? Beatrice?" She called us our grandparents' names. We ran downstairs where we saw a red haired girl and little girl with short brown curly hair, peeking behind two doors. They quickly hid when they noticed we saw them.

We heard giant and loud thumps from upstairs like something big was coming. We turned our heads to see two kids in full white clothes and mask hiding after we saw them.

We got scared and began running. Jake slipped and got knocked out. I unfortunately tripped over Jake, falling and getting knocked unconscious as well.


I opened my eyes to see two little feet walking. I wasn't fully conscious and couldn't comprehend what was happening until I hit the ground with Jake beside me. When we got up we saw most of the children from the children's home. How? I thought I was going insane.

"You're Emma!... and the twins... and Olive... Bronwyn... he's Millard!" Jake said filled with joy that we finally got to meet them. Meanwhile, I was still in shock. My head started to hurt real bad.

"You're dead... All of you, your all dead... he's invisible but he's still dead." I said snapping out of it. " None of us are dead." Millard told me. " oh my god... are we dead?" I started spiraling, until Jake rubbed my back trying to calm me down.

"No." Emma said bluntly. "You called us Abe and Beatrice in the house... why?" Jake asked Emma. " You look like them... for a moment before you started screaming, running away and concussing yourselves." 

"Wait. Whats happening?" Jake said confused. I was just as confused as he was. Nothing made sense. I thought they we all dead. "We're waiting till the coast is clear before we go into the loop." Emma said. "You never know who might be watching." Olive said, walking over to us and ushering us closer to the others.

Jake was a little hesitant going with them. " Please Jake. Miss peregrine is waiting. She saw you both on the ferry. She sent us to get you two." Emma said walking into a cave with the other children. Maybe that bird was Miss Peregrine. We walked into the cave confused. I followed Emma not realizing that Jake had stopped following us. 

Once I noticed, I turned around, standing next to Emma. All of a sudden, Jake ran out of the cave. "Jake!" I ran after him. Jake ran and ran. I followed him trying to get him to stop but he didn't stop until we reached the hotel. He slowed down as we reached the hotel, I caught up to him "Jake wait. We finally got what we were looking for and you are running away?" I said to him as I followed him up the stairs, until were stopped by someone yelling at us.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now