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I walked down the hall, intendeding to go to Enoch's room to sort things out. I walked in to see him sitting at his desk.

"I didn't mean to say you were disturbing Victor, but if you know the children don't like it, why would you do it?"

"I just want to get rid of Jake, okay" I was about to speak when Emma came to the door.

"Enoch, its time for our daily walk. Are you coming?" She asked him.
"No, not today, tell Miss Peregrine I'll be sure to join you all tomorrow." He said not looking at her.
"Alright, what about you Y/N, care to join us? Jake's coming aswell."
"No that's okay. I'm quite lazy at times. Ask Jake. Maybe if we comeback tomorrow I might join you." I told her.

A little chuckle escaped her lips.
"Alright, then its just you 2 not going the others are going. We'll be back in 30 minutes." She said before leaving closing the door behind her. You could still hear her heavy lead shoes as she walked down the stairs and then out the door.

"What was I saying? Oh right. Why do you hate Jake so much." I asked him.
"He doesn't belong here. Hes not peculiar."
"I'm not peculiar. Does that mean I don't belong here either?" I said looking at him
"That's not entirely true." He sound quite nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"Only a peculiar can entire a loop, Y/N."

I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn't be peculiar. I would have known if I was. I was so shocked I had accidentally knocked over a glass of water on Enoch's desk.

"I'm so sorry." I said to him. I knelt down to pick up the cup but I noticed something as I reached for it. The water began to move. Enoch had also noticed and had knelt on the ground right next to me.

"Do that again." He demanded.
I reached for the water again. The water began to move more drastically.
"Can you focus on putting the water back into the cup?" Enoch asked me.
"I'll try."

I focused as much as I could. The water began to collect itself and float back into the cup not leaving a single drop.
"I think we found your peculiarity."
We both let out a laugh.
That explains so much in my life. When I was a kid, cups of water would fall on its own if I walked past them. My grandma would just blame the wind. And the incident at the bar. The bucket of water splashing the water on the man. It was all me. I did that.

I stood up and so did Enoch. He sat back down on his desk. I walked towards his bed and layed down on it.
"I never would have guessed that I was peculiar. Wait does that mean my grandma was peculiar? What peculiarity did she have?" He turned his chair to me, looking at me. I however wasnt looking at him. I layed on his bed staring at the ceiling.

"Yes she was. And she had the ability to read minds. Sometimes it is common to get the same peculiarity as your relative but most peculiars are born with different peculiarities." He said to me.

I suddenly started hearing stuff. It was like all the other times, but without the headache. It was in Enoch's voice.
"Beatrice was a smartass, always using her peculiar for her own benefits."
I looked at him but he wasnt speaking. I suddenly realised what was happening. I was reading his mind.

I sat up on the bed looking at him.
"It is possible to have 2 peculiarities?"
He looked at me confused.
"Very rare, I have heard some instances of it happening but those were centuries ago."
"Well I think I might have 2. I can read your mind."
"Like Beatrice? No way." He scoffed.

"Don't believe me? Think of something and I'll tell you what you said."
I wasn't sure if I was able to control it but i eventually figured it out. I couldn't hear anything at first until i heard in Enoch's voice.
"I want to kiss you."
I was shocked. He wants to kiss me?

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now