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Y/N Pov:

We were on the fairy on our way to the island. I listened to music with headphones while Jake and his dad were reading about the island. I wasn't paying much attention until they turned their heads to a bird. I took out my headphones and listened to what they were saying.

"wow... guys, check it out... that's a Peregrine falcon."

"peregrine like the headmistress"

"Sure... that's probably where Grandpa came up with the "turning into a bird" thing."

"maybe that's her... hey, Miss Peregrine! It's me, Jake! I'm Abe Portman's grandson! Please don't crap on us! Oh my god, Dad, I'm kidding."

I laughed at how Jake's dad thought that Jake was crazy... 

We arrived at Cairnholm and went to the hotel... we went inside, and it looked empty

Jake's dad yelled for someone, hoping someone would answer, and went looking for the manager

Jake and I were wandering and looking at stuff, and we were startled at someone laughing behind us. We looked and saw a very old man in a wheelchair with another man holding the wheelchair.

Jake's dad noticed them and asked where we could find the manager

"That's me. Sorry to keep you. helping Uncle Oggie to the loo."

he shook Mr. Portman's hand and introduced himself

"I'm Kevin... there's a room upstairs."

"I'll be back in a bit," Kevin told the man in the wheelchair as he nodded in response.

He left, and we had to get two rooms cause, well... I am a girl. I didn't want to share a room with men, and I needed my privacy.

"While we're waiting, I thought maybe we could check out the beach." Jake's dad put his binoculars around his neck.

"I thought we were going to the children's home... isn't the beach where the bird's nest is?"

"I thought we could check real quick," Mr. Portman responded.

"We could go to the children's home by ourselves." Jake looked at me and looked back at his dad." then you could take your time... and enjoy it."

"come on, Jake, you know your mom would freak... and I promised your mom I'd look after Y/N."

"what if we could find someone to take us."

Mr. Portman looked at us and walked outside. He saw a group of teenagers around our age. He called them in a way he was trying to sound hip and cool. I didn't like it.

"I was wondering if any of you guys might be interested in taking my son and his friend here to the other side of the island."

They looked at each other until Mr. Portman pulled out some money, and both agreed to take us.


We were walking in silence until Jake broke it.

"so, what are your names?"

"I'm worm, and this is M.C dirty D."

"M.C Dirty bizniz"

"I thought you changed it"


"No, you did remember when Lou said M.C. dirty Bizniz sounds like cracked your trousers?"

"Yeah, but she also said Dirty D sounded like a personal hygiene problem."

they were bickering like children. It was annoying Jake and I, so I interrupted them,

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now