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Y/N's POV:

I never imagined myself swimming into the depths of the sea to revive a sunken ship, but here I am. Everyone, one by one jumping into the water, swimming to a ship at the bottom of the sea.

I learned more things about my peculiarity. Apparently manipulating water also means i can breathe underwater. As I swam deeper and deeper, helping the little ones, I found myself not needing air.

While the others had air bubbles provided by Emma, I was perfectly fine swimming without one. I was suprised at first  but gradually got used to it as we arrived into the ship.

Emma filled the ship up with air as fast as she could. Considering she is filled with air she had no problem with this. It was amazing to see the extent of her peculiarity.

As the ship filled with air, it gradually started to emerge to the surface, creating a big wave as the ship crashes on the surface floating once again.

Everyone met at the control room, watching as ship sails on the water, Jake steering in the direction we are heading before walking away with Emma to discuss some things. I also learned I was able to dry everyone by collecting the water molecules off them and into a bucket that Enoch gave me. We weren't fully dry as I was still learning. But we were dry enough.

I take the little ones to the to the ball room area so they could play with the skeletons of the people that died on the ship. Was a bit disturbing? Yes. Did they love it? Also yes.

Olive went off doing other things. She tried persuading Enoch to go with her but he denied her offer. She got mad and stormed off as she watched him walk towards me.

"What's up her ass?" I say jokingly.
"She's just mad that I wont go with her." He answered.
"Does she know about us?" I asked him.
"No one does but Jake. But eventually they will." He grabs me by the waist and kisses me.

I smile at him. Admiring how handsome he looks, the way his eyes softens whenever he looks at me. I've only known him for not even 3 days and Im already in love with him.

I turn to see the children giggling at us. They saw the kiss and now know we are together.
"Eww, Enoch kissed Y/N." Claire says jokingly.
Enoch and I let out a laugh.
"Don't tell anyone, promise?" Enoch says to them.
"Promise." Hugh and Horace say in unison as the rest nod in agreement.

Enoch turns to look at me as he grabs my hands.
"Follow me." He says before taking me away from the children.


Enoch's POV:

Earlier as I walked through the ship I saw a section where all the rooms of the guests were. Most of them had skeletons of the people who drowned in the ship wreck. I found one that was empty and quite neat. Fixing it up a bit so later Y/N and I have a place to rest.

As I guide Y/N through the ship taking her to the room. She looks around and the surprisingly large room.
"Enoch its beautiful. A bit wet but still beautiful." She says to me.

God she amazing. Her eyes sparkle brighter than the stars. Sometimes I want to look at them forever. Other times I want to make them roll to the back of her head in pleasure. Just thinking about it makes me desperate for her.

I watched her as she used her peculiarity to collect the water off the bed and out the window. Shes only learned about her peculiarity today and yet shes so good with it. Shes absolutely amazing.

Once she finished she turned to me giving me the smile that I love. Why was she making me feel this way? I am so inlove with her. Of course I can't tell her that. Ive barely known her 3 days.

She sits on the now dried bed and pats on the space next to her for me to sit. I sit next to her looking and admiring how beautiful she is.

I kiss her, placing one hand on her waist and the other cupping her cheek. Her hands are intertwined in my hair.
This woman is driving me crazy.

I pull her closer, deepening the kiss. I tighten my grip on her waist. I pull her onto my lap as she straddles me. Rocking her hips back and forth, creating friction. She moans into the kiss, gripping my hair harder. She makes want to do so many things to her. I know now isn't the perfect time to be initiating sex with her but its hard not to when she always looks so gorgeous. It seems she thinks so too as she pulls away.

"Do you really think we should be doing this right now? We don't have alot of time." She says looking at me.
"I hate that you're right. Come on, let's go look for Jake and Emma."
She gets up as she grabs my hand, pulling me off the bed and out the door.

I didn't care that she was practically walking me like a dog, I did everything she wanted me to do and I wasn't complaining. My eyes were always on her.


Y/N's POV:

Enoch and I walk hand in hand towards everyone. They all knew about us except for Olive and Emma. I dreaded having a full conversation with Olive, I feared she'd burn me alive, but I knew it would be inevitable.

They all followed us to look for Emma and Jake. We walked infront of the door of the room they were in. Enoch wasted no time bursting the door open. I already felt like we had ruined a moment but we had no time for them to have a moment.

"So, have you found Miss Avocet's loop on the map yet?" Enoch says the minute he opens the door.
"its here. But it's new. she made it early this year. That's our year. if we dont get out before it closes, we're stuck in January 2016." Jake shows us the map he was holding. He sounded like the loop closing was no big deal, which is was, a very big deal.

"great. so time catches up with all of us, we all die except you and Y/N." Enoch said.

"the loop closes at 4:30" Jake responded.
"that means we need to get in, rescue the Ymbrynes and then get out. by 4:30? thats not enough time" I asked. Jake was asking for us to do the impossible. How were we possibly be able to save Miss Peregrine by 4:30?

"Miss Avocet said the machine us in the cellar of the Blackpool tower building. that means we will be indoors... with Hollows." Enoch did have a good point. Jake and I were the only ones that could see them. How are we gonna be able to fight them off.

"No, we wont ive got a plan. but im gonna need your help." Jake was sounding like a cliché main character from a movie at this point. He told us the plan and told us to gather what we needed.

Once everyone walked away I knew I had to talk to Olive.

I left Enoch for a moment and went to look for Olive. I eventually found her walking around.
"Hey Olive, can I talk to you for a second?"
"What." Her attitude made me not want to be nice to her but I had to keep my cool so she didn't burn me alive.

"I know you like Enoch and I just want to let you know that Enoch and I are together. I never meant to hurt you and I didnt do it to spite you, i really love him and I want us to be friends, can we be friends?" I know i was asking alot from her. Shes been inlove with Enoch for how many years? I can't expect her to make her feelings go away in an instant.

"Yeah, I did like him. But, I knew from the first time you two met that he had made his choice, a bit of me still had hope but he chose you, I dont blame you for that, Enoch never liked me. I was just being delusional. And yes I do want to be friends." I was so relieved to hear she didn't hate me.

I smiled at her before she gave me a hug and walked away. Im glad Im not on her bad side and would have to endure it for many years. Now that it was out of the way I could truly focuse on the most important thing.....

Saving Miss Peregrine.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now