~In Trouble~

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Jake's POV: 

Y/N and I walk back to the hotel. I couldn't get Horace's projection out of my head. I barely knew emma and apparently I was gonna kiss her. And Y/N, she was gonna kiss Enoch. I don't know why but it made me angry seeing Y/N sitting on Enoch. I couldn't really imagine her being with anyone.

I don't know why it was bothering me so much. I don't like her like that. She's my bestfriend. The only time I've ever seen her as anything more than friends was 2 years ago when we just started highschool. We sorta dated for a while until Y/N said it was better if we were just friends. I was a bit devastated but soon realized she was right. I haven't seen her as anything more, until now.

I don't know why these feelings were coming back now. But after my grandpa died we were getting closer since now we really on had eachother. I have no idea what to do. How am I supposed to act around her. I dont want to do anything that would make me feelings stronger.

It was obvious that she didnt like me romantically. I couldn't tell her how i felt. I knew she never had feelings for me. I saw the way she looked at Enoch, she never looked at me like that. I just have to shut up to make these feelings go away

I tried thinking of something else. How we would go back to the loop tomorrow without my dad getting suspicious.

I was interrupted by Y/N calling my attention. I didn't that we were walking in silence this whole time and she knew me too well to know that something was up.


Y/N's POV:

We were walking in silence the entire time. Although it was normal for us to be in silence sometimes, I knew something was bothering him.

"Jake, are you ok? You seem a bit off."

"Yeah, Im all good. I'm just thinking about how we'll sneak away from my dad again tomorrow."

"Well we can just tell him the same thing we did today."

He looked at me and smiled, nodding in agreement.

As we were walking, we heard our names being called from behind us. We turned around to look, we saw Jake's dad. He ran up to us, slowing down as he got closer.

"I've been looking all over this damn island. Where the hell have you two been?"
He was a bit irritated and slightly out of breath.

"Um, we were just on our way back. I'm sorry we lost track of time." Jake responded.
"We were having a blast with Worm and... Dirty D." I continued.

"Dirty D?" He said confused and puzzled by the outrageous name.
"You know what, this is good. This is healthy."

He stepped in between Jake and I, wrapping his arms around each of our shoulders as we continued walking.

"You both are makin weird friends, and doing teenage stuff. I think this is normal. I'm sure Doctor Golan will approve."

As we were walking we were stopped by someone on the island. "Hey. You, American! Get over here." The old man said. We walked towards him. We saw the two boys who we lied about being with them and we hoped we weren't caught in our lie.

"Oh look, there they are. There's D-bag anf Worm man." Jake's dad said.

We walked closer to see a feild filled with dead animals.
"Did you do this?" The old man asked Jake and I.

"What, no. Of course not." I told him. Why would we ever kill animals?
"It wasn't us" One of the boys said to the man.
"Listen, sir. I don't knoe what happened here. But my kids and his friends have been together all day. Jake and Y/N would never do anything like this."

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