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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N, come meet Enoch properly." 

My heart skipped a beat hearing Enoch's name. I haven't spoke to him one bit but I was already head over heals for him. I followed Olive into the room that seemed to be Enoch's room.

As I walked in I saw  Enoch standing by the window, looking outside. I walked over to him. He turned around to look at me. "Y/N? Right?" He asked me. "Yes. That's my name." I did a nervous chuckle not knowing what to do. " What are your intentions with being here?" He ask, quite rudely."What?" I asked a bit confused and shocked.

"You and Jake are here for a reason. What is that reason?" He said again. "We just wanted answers, and Abe told us to come here." "Of course he did." He let out a chuckle. "What is your problem? My grandma did always say you were bit of a cold-hearted douche bag." I was a little fed up with him. "Oooh you're a little feisty, yeah Beatrice never really liked me." He gave me a little smile. My heart melted. Yeah he was kind of a asshole, but I still liked him a little. I gave him a smile back and turned to see Olive staring at us. She seemed a little jealous.

"You wanna see something cool?" Enoch asked me sitting at his desk. Olive grabbed some jars off his shelf and handed it to him. I stood in front of his desk, watching him as he started to cut open some dolls. I watched closely, I already knew what his peculiar was and I was very intrigued on what he was going to do.

After a bit, I saw Olive walk out and walk back in the room with Jake following behind her. "Hi Jake." I smiled at him and fixated my eyes back onto what Enoch was doing.

"You must feel pretty out of place." Enoch said to Jake. "Don't worry, I'm used to it." Jake responded. "No. I wasn't worried. Some advice for you though, man to man. If you're thinking of staying just because you like Emma... Don't bother. you see, she swore off romance decades ago, when she got her heart broken, and she's never gonna change her mind. so..." He said, sticking his hand out, having Olive hand him some tools.

"Enoch, I wasn't... What are you doing?" Jake  looked confused. Olive smiled as Enoch placed a heart inside a doll with a crab arm. The he placed another heart in a doll head that was attached to crab legs with a knife attached to one.

After a few seconds they slowly came to like. Standing up and walking on their own. My eyes widened with excitement "Isn't he amazing?" Olive smiled. "Yeah he is" I said under my breathe, Enoch must've heard cause a small chuckle came from his lips and a smile came soon after. 

"What did you do?" Jake asked, a bit frightened. "This? Jake, this isn't even the fun part" Enoch said in response. "There's more!" I said, excited.


Enoch's POV:

"There's more!" She said. looking at me with excitement in her eyes. I don't know why but my heart started pounding. No one has ever had such interest in my peculiarity. Her eyes sparkled, she was quite beautiful.

I looked at her smiling. "You want to see the fun part?" I asked her. She nodded her head happily. I whispered in one of the dolls ears, telling it to fight to the death. The dolls started to get aggressive. Olive started giggling and jumping up and down, but I didn't care about her. I was looking at Y/N, her beautiful eyes fixated on the dolls fighting. A huge smile on her face. 

The dolls continued to fight until the crab legged doll stabbed the other in the chest killing it and taking out the heart i had placed in there. I looked up to see Jake frightened for his life. He was just like every other person  experiencing my peculiar for the first time. Not Y/N though, she looked fascinated by it.

"They're like puppets. Just do anything I tell them. Its even more fun with people." "You can do it with people?" Y/N asked curiously. I nodded to her question. "You should have seen some of the epic battles they used to have at my parents' funeral parlor." I smiled at her. I didn't know what I was feeling. She intrigued me. 

Jake tapped Y/N on the shoulder making me stare at both of them. "Emma said we should stay for dinner" He asked. "You should." I blurted out. I said it before I could even process what I just said. "But we really can't stay out late."  Y/N said. "Supper starts at 5:30." Olive interrupted. "Oh. Well then, I guess we'll be staying for dinner then." She smiled. "Emma said we could wear some of our grandparents clothes. Beatrice's room is in the basement, I think." Jake said. " Yeah it is, I can show it to you if you'd like." I said again. Why do I keep saying stuff before i think? What is this girl doing to me? "Yeah sure." She said.

I got up from my desk walking out the door with Y/N. She turned around to say goodbye to Olive, who looked a bit mad, but I wasn't worried about Olive right now. I just wanted to be closer to Y/N.


We walked to Beatrice's old room in the basement. I haven't been in here in decades, it still looks the same, just a bit dustier. "So this is my grandma's room?" Y/N asked looking around the room. "Yeah, she would spent all her time in here." I said to her. We laughed a bit. "Uhh. Her closet is right over there." I pointed to the closet. She walked over to the closet and picked something, she walked over to Beatrice's bathroom and changed. I walked around the room looking at all of Beatrice's old stuff that she would never let me touch if she was here. 

After a while, Y/N walked out the bathroom, wearing a long black dress. It fit her perfectly. She was absolutely stunning. Thoughts of her came rushing in my head. Unholy thoughts that would get me in trouble if I ever spoken aloud about it.

 Unholy thoughts that would get me in trouble if I ever spoken aloud about it

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"How do I look?" Y/N asked, making me snap out of my thoughts. "You look good." I was lying. She looked absolutely amazing but I couldn't say that. She walked over to Beatrice's shelf and grabbed the brush and started brushing her hair. I sat on the bed staring at her.

I decided to ask her a question that has been creeping up on me. "Why weren't you frightened about my peculiarity?" "I would ask my grandma all sorts of questions about different things. She told me all about your peculiarity, I've always been fascinated by it. I've also been surrounded by death all my life, so I've kind of been used to it." She continued brushing her hair. "My parents died when I was a baby and I had no family besides my grandma, because my grandpa died when my mom was 15, until she died when I was 13. Then Abe. Not to mention all the pets that I've had that died." She chuckled a little putting down the brush.

She was so different from everyone else. I felt like she understood me. I stood up and walked over to her. "I can relate, my parents owned a funeral parlor. They were dead people everywhere, I loved playing with them honestly." We both laughed. "Come on, We'll be late for dinner." She walked out the room with me behind her.

I hoped I'd be sitting near her for supper. I can't get her out of my head. Is this what love feels like? What has this girl done to me? Hopefully I'd find out sooner or later.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now