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​~ 3 Year Later~

3rd Person POV:

Its been 3 years since everything happened. The Peculiar Children decided to not stay in a permanent loop forever. They wanted to fight the Hollows, getting rid of all of the Hollows so peculiars can live in peace once again. The children would visit loops to hunt down certain hollows but never stayed in a loop for too long. They had also parted ways with Miss Peregrine as she went to live another loop to be safe. The children would visit her from time to time and had promised Miss Peregrine they would return forever once their duties of hunting Hollows was at its end. On this particular day, It was one of their rest days. They were settled in the coast nearest to Italy. They had just hunted a Hollow and decided to take a rest before sailing to hunt the next Hollow. They had been hunting them for a long time as it was difficult to track down all the hollows and they learned new information everyday.

Y/N was laying on her bed, reading a book she had collected from the last loop they visited. She relaxed as she waited for her lover to get back from the getting food and snacks from the loop as he promised. As she waited she heard the door to her shared room open. She turned around to see Enoch, her boyfriend. Enoch held bags of snacks. Inside the bag was also a present for Y/N that Enoch had gotten for her.
"Im back darling, Ive got snacks and a present for you" Enoch takes out his present and hands it to her. It was a book. A book he got from the loop. Enoch knew that she liked to collect books from different loops that she has never read. Her eyes gleamed with excitement and Enochs heart skipped a beat at her beautiful smile and how much he truly loved her. Only he knew that there was another suprise waiting for her.
"Enoch I love it thank you so much" Y/N said with a bright smile on her face, the smile that made Enoch's heart skip a beat.
"Get dressed darling, I have another surprise waiting for you in the loop" Enoch smiled. He had plan this the whole while they were in italy. It was the perfect place to surprise her. It was in her time and it was far along from any war that had recently ended, leaving everything in ruins in 1946, the year that they were in.
"I'll be waiting on the other side of the loop entrance" Enoch kissed Y/N on the forhead before walking out, heading back to the loop.

Y/N got dressed, nervous about what Enoch's suprise was. Y/N was excited but at the same time she had a secret that she had yet to find out herself. She had realized yesterday that she was a few days late on time of the month. She was scared she might me pregnant as she and Enoch had not discussed in the 3 years that they have been dating if they were ready to have kids or not. Yes they had talked about it but never had a final agreement on the matter. Earlier that day she had asked Jake, her bestfriend to get her a test.

As she finished getting ready she heard a knock on the door. she opened it to see Jake holding something in his pocket.
"That was the most embarrassing trip to the store Ive ever had. You owe me big time. I saw Enoch on my way here, It was so hard lying to him cause Im a terrible liar." Jake rambled as he rushed into the room as Y/N shut the door behind him.
"Thank you so much Jake. Yes, I owe you big time." She said as she grabbed the pregnancy test from him as he pulled it out his Jacket. Y/N ran into the bathroom shutting the door, heavy breathing as she started to open the box.


Y/N stood in the middle of the bathroom, staring at the test. Her mind running through all the possible scenarios but none could destract her from the positive sign on the test infront of her. Tears formed in her eyes. She didnt know what to do. She didnt want to be pregnant but at the same time she did. She quickly stopped crying, knowing Enoch was waiting on her. She fixed her makeup, cleaned the remaining pee off the test putting it in her purse. She planned on showing Enoch when she saw him but she didnt know how.

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now