~ Let's go to Wales~

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Jake's POV:

"there was... no one there."

After what happened, me and Y/N started to get nightmares, and our parents were concerned, so they put us in therapy.

We had the same therapist but different sessions, but occasionally, she would put us together if needed.

"may I say Jake and Y/N.... that considering this was only a month ago, I think you're doing exceptionally well"

"apart from being crazy?!" Y/N said, sounding a bit irritated at Dr Golan.

"having nightmares and anxiety doesn't make you crazy."

"what about seeing things that aren't there?" I said since after what happened, we have been getting paranoid and kept seeing the same thing we saw that night.

"Actually, in traumatic situations, it's not at all uncommon. Your subconscious drew an image from a movie."

"it was a story... my grandpa told us stories when I was a kid about monsters he fought in a war."

Y/N knew what I was talking about because her grandma would tell her the same stories and tell her that she and Abe grew up together and told us stories about their friends.

"there you go, he was brutally attacked, and in your head, the man who did it was inhuman, a monster."

"It wasn't a man," I said, interrupting her

"the cops said that dogs scratched up the screen door, and he chased them off into the woods... and the coroner said he had a heart attack... and the cops said that dogs go to the soft parts... they tested the fork, and it had animal DNA so... case closed."

I felt like I was on the verge of tears.

"he sounds like an extraordinary man... were you very close?"

"he used to babysit me a lot, and Y/N and her grandma would come over all the time, and Y/N would sleep over... when I was with him, I felt special."


*~ flash back~*

"Hey, it's like 11 o'clock. What is he doing up?" said my mom, kissing me on my forehead.

"I'm going to be an explorer. Grandpa's helping me on my first voyage..."

"Me too!" Y/N yelled, jumping up and down

"everything's already been discovered, buddy," my dad said, turning on the TV.

"pay no attention to your father. He knows Bubkiss... come Tygrysco off to bed." Grandpa picked me up with Y/N and her grandma following behind

He tucked me in, Y/N sat on my bed next to me, and Grandpa and Y/N grandma sat on chairs at the end of the bed.

"can you tell us a story?"

"the usual?"


"OK, once upon a time, there was a little boy-"

"with the pictures," I interrupted

"Pictures!! yes!!" Y/N yelled

We got the box from under the bed and placed it on it. Abe opened it, and they started with the story.

"once upon a time, there was a little boy named Abe."

"that was you!" I shouted

"And I, Little girl named Beatrice."

~Jealousy~||Enoch O'connor x Female Reader ||Where stories live. Discover now