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They'd arrived to school, thankfully only a minute late. Renjun took credit for it, after all he was the one who was threatening the driver to go faster all the time he was behind the wheel. Chenle was pretty sure they would've crashed on more than one occasion, he didn't say anything about it though. The ravenette was already annoyed and the younger wasn't ready for a premature death.

They speed walked through the gates and to their first lessons, which Renjun had learned, where directly opposite each other. Throughout the entirety of his history class, he was staring at Chenle through the window in the door (it wasn't as creepy as it sounds, more with a lovestruck gaze than anything else). He could just about make out a tuft of solid blonde peeking out of all the heads of black and brown hair. Why was Chenle sat so far away? He could hardly see him like this.

They shared their home economics class together, Chenle immediately clung to Renjun after the boy had put his apron on and the lesson was anything but boring. It was like the duo were back in the comfort of Chenle's own house, in the kitchen where they'd throw things at each other and laugh ridiculously loudly at whatever one of them said; regardless if it was actually funny. They were just like that here as well, the two leaving the room for break with grated carrot in their hair and stupidly big grins on their faces.


"Y'know, orange actually suits you Lele. You should try it at one point."

"One minute, I thought you wanted me to stop dyeing my hair?"

"I did, but I realised you'll never listen, so we might as well take advantage of it before you go bald, right?" he nudged Chenle playfully, earning a slap to his forearm.

"I'm actually getting bored of blonde as well. I'll switch after term finishes," he stated before tugging on Renjun's plain black strands. "And you should do something about this as well, I miss the red on you."

Renjun shoved Chenle with a flustered glare, cheeks heating up at the embarrassing memory of him with flaming cherry hair. He didn't know why he let Chenle talk him into it in the first place, remembering how much he hated it since it made everyone look at him wherever he went.

"I'll slaughter you Chenle."

"Not if you can't catch me," then he bolted down the corridors with an irritated Renjun hot on his heels. But even in the light of the fact Renjun probably would slaughter him, his smile stretched out to his eyes and his whole face glowed.


Break time had been the first big low in their day, after Renjun had caught Chenle and tickled him half to death in the middle of the hall, they went out to the same courtyard as yesterday. A few students were scattered around, but it wasn't crowded. There were a few glares sent their way, but did they care? No. It probably would have bothered them in any other time, but not now. Not when they were in each other's presence.

Everything else in the world could go fuck itself.

However, as stated previously, break didn't go well. This was because while Chenle was mid-sentence in their conversation about the best ramen recipes, the demon trio (aka. Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno) had walked in.

Jaemin immediately bounded his way over to the two as he spotted them. He completely disregarded the blonde boy while addressing Renjun, "Injunnie, explain yesterday to us?" he'd asked sweetly, thick eyelashes tinted a light brown in the sunlight as he crouched down in front of him. "Hyuck was mad because you stormed off like that."

Renjun clenched his jaw and Chenle gripped his arm tightly in worry that he'd do something brash. The small gesture didn't go unnoticed by Jaemin or his other two friends who watched from a close distance.


"Gege," Chenle hissed. His voice held warning behind it, a message telling the elder not to make enemies right now.

"I don't think I feel well enough to talk right now," he corrected, teeth still gritting together, "maybe some other time."

Jaemin blinked at him curiously, head tilting to the side as he brought a hand up to check the elder's temperature. "You don't seem ill, but we can take you to first aid if you want, talk another time?"

Chenle watched the interaction take place in front of him, heart sinking as he saw Jaemin touch Renjun's forehead. He watched as Renjun shook his head, rejecting the offer as politely as he could to appease Chenle and telling the brunet that the blonde would take him there if he felt any worse.

Donghyuck and Jeno stalked over right as Jaemin stood back to his full height. To be honest, the scene would have been quite comical if it weren't for the fear in Chenle's heart. The trio were towering over Renjun and him who sat on a bench near the sides of the courtyard and Renjun looked up at them with his innocent doe eyes. Those eyes were so deceptive - made him look so pure when in actuality he was the devil's incarnate.

Everyone had stopped to stare at them a while ago and Chenle gulped at all the eyes on them.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You left us yesterday for that filth and now you're letting him hang off your arm like a motherfucking leec-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence."

Renjun's eyes screamed murder, narrowing as the expression on his face had melted into one of pure hatred.

Chenle tried his best to get Renjun to stay calm and reasonable, that plan was promptly shat on when the elder stood to match the glare that Donghyuck was now giving him.

"G-ge, don't do this please," but Chenle's request fell on deaf ears as Renjun slipped out of his hold.

"And let them keep spewing shit like it's the only thing they know how to do?" he glowered. "Nope, that ain't me."

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