·thirty eight·

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"So, you're dating now?" Donghyuck asked with raised brows, hands crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall with his two best friends in front of him.

Jaemin shrieked in surprise, not expecting the elder to suddenly ask such a private question in such a public space.


"I've known you idiots for years, it's not hard to tell, plus you're not exactly subtle," Donghyuck snorted, motioning towards their intertwined hands. "I'm not mad don't worry," he said as he noticed Jeno opening up his mouth to speak again, "I've been waiting for this actually, you've both been pining for years."

They were currently waiting outside the school for Mark to come and pick them up with his car so that they could go to the first shooting site for their music video. Chenle had gone to find Renjun after he'd ran off with a promise to bring him back and Jisung had left to buy snacks for the seven of them, leaving the trio alone to discuss the happenings of the past few hours.

Donghyuck didn't really know how to tell his friends that he'd kissed Renjun, but he wanted to, he really wanted to. Yet, he wasn't so sure whether it was because he needed advice or whether it was because he wanted to flaunt — he couldn't control the small amount of pride that bubbled up in his chest every time he thought back to it.

"Hey gu-" the orange haired boy was interrupted by the honk of a car and he sighed, deciding that maybe now wasn't the best time to tell them, considering how protective they both were of him.

Jisung was already there when they got into the seven-seater Mercedes and when Jeno rose a brow in question, he simply shrugged and said that Mark had found him on his way back.

Approximately six minutes had passed by when Renjun and Chenle finally arrived, pulling open the doors and getting in one after the other with heavy puffs of air, Mark sent them a quizzical glance as he started up the engine again, waiting for everyone to strap in their seatbelts.

"Why do you two like you've been dragged through hell and back?"

Chenle scoffed, sliding his phone out of his pocket and turning it on before replying, "because Renjun ge decided that today would be the perfect day to practice being a drama queen."


"I mean, just because he kissed Donghyuc-"


Donghyuck sunk back in his seat, trying to become invisible to the other six in the car who had immediately bursted into chaotic hysteria.

This was going to be one long-ass ride.


"Okay guys," Mark breathed out, rubbing at his temples and praying for the volume in the car to die down, "we're here now."

"Finally!" Renjun yelped, trying to scramble out of Chenle's hold and towards the door handle, "I thought I was gonna die in here."

They all filed out one by one, taking in their surroundings as they looked around in awe. The air was clearer in this area and the pretty cyan that painted the sky was almost glowing, clouds long dispersed and golden rays of sunshine falling in layers across their skin, heating it by just the slightest degree.

"Holy shit, this place is beautiful Chenle, how the hell did you manage to find it?" Jaemin gaped, causing the boy in question to release a light laugh.

"I have my ways," he smiled, winking at the elder.

Chenle had booked this place for them in advance, when they had first discussed their plans and ideas. They had it all to themselves for three days and they were planning to make the best of it. Their song was supposed to be done by now, or at least nearly, but all the drama and tension between them had prevented them from actually making a start on it.

Mark and Jeno had written the lyrics in their own time and when the group came together to look over them, Jaemin made a few tweaks where he felt was necessary. Some of the members of Donghyuck's and Mark's dance group, 127, had offered to assist them and helped them to create a demo track for their song, which they were using to help set the mood in this moment.

Jeno and Mark both worked on unloading the speakers from the back of the car, setting them up as quickly as they could while Jaemin fiddled with the cameras they were going to be using to record.

Donghyuck stared on as Jisung and Chenle conversed casually between themselves, not failing to notice the way Renjun made his way over to stand beside him and brush their fingers together.

"Y'know Junnie, if you want to hold my hand, all you have to do is ask."


"Jeno!" Renjun yelped in laughter as the taller boy came up from behind him to tackle the hose out of his hands, water spraying into the sky and falling back down around them.

Everyone was soaked from head to toe in soap and water due to Jaemin's impromptu idea of cleaning the car while the sun was still out — long forgetting the reason why they'd first arrived here and instead just enjoying themselves to the fullest while the cameras rolled.

"I never knew that it was possible for someone to be this bad at basketball- Jisung why the hell are you kicking it?" Chenle squealed, racing to take cover behind the shining metal of the open car door.

Jaemin was lying on top of the hood, throwing sponges at Mark as the elder snorted at Donghyuck's failed attempts to turn off the tap that connected to the hose, earning a glare from the younger boy.

For the seven of them, this had been the most fun they'd had in years — in their own special world, far away from all the big things in life that looked to run them down.

And with all the little things that made it worth living.

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