·twenty eight·

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"What the actually fuck? What do you mean 'Duckie'? How does that even fit with my image?" Donghyuck whined as soon as Renjun and Chenle had returned to the table with their food and the papers they'd put down earlier.

"Yeah you totally don't have to thank us Hyuck, it's not like we didn't just save your ass or anything," the ravenette rolled his eyes.

"I could've done that all by myself without causing such a commotion," Renjun and Jaemin scoffed at that, knowing that his version of less 'commotion' would probably scare the shit out of everyone. Donghyuck pouted and picked at his food sulkily, Chenle thought he looked cute, but he'd never say that out loud.

"He's right Renjun, he could have gotten rid of them so much easier, y'know? He'd just tell them that he was 'experiencing jet lag from his long flight'," Jaemin chided, mimicking his words from earlier on in the day and earning himself a slap upside the head from Haechan.

"No, guys listen, the main point here," Chenle said, after feeding Renjun a spoonful of rice while he started on his catch up work, "is that he's 'really tired at the momen-"

"Not you too!" the orange haired boy groaned and slumped in his chair, "why is everyone making fun of me today? I'm gonna cry, I swear," Chenle broke out into a grin as he watched the elder shake Jeno awake, "Nono, wake up and say something you piece of shit, everyone's bullying me!"

Mark had woken up a while ago and was watching the scene unfold quietly with a small smile on his face, it had been a long time since he last saw Hyuck be himself so openly with people that weren't apart of their friend group and it was refreshing to say the least. He didn't really know what happened while he was away, since the last time he checked, Chenle wasn't someone the younger had liked and he'd definitely never seen Renjun around, but he was happy nonetheless since they all seemed okay with each other.

"Hyuck, you know that Jeno sleeps like the dead, why are you even trying?" the oldest mumbled, stretching out his arms slightly and yawning.

"Then why don't you defend me Mark? What kind of friend are you?" he complained, playfully glaring at the black haired boy when he shook his head and laughed.

"It's fun to see you suffer."

They continued on like that for a while, just picking on each other and having fun until Jisung perked up, "hey, can I ask you a question?" He was staring intently at Renjun who had his head down, working on a sheet of algebra.

"Go for it."

"Are you and Chenle dating?"

Chenle choked on his food and Jaemin rushed to smack his back, which only made things worse. A random girl stood up from her table and attempted to run over saying that her dad was a doctor, but Donghyuck rushed to stand up and shouted that everything was okay; then proceeded to dump his water all over Chenle and draw him into an uncomfortable looking back-hug.

Everyone's jaw had just about hit the floor. It was surprising that Chenle wasn't dead by now, since his airways were still pretty much blocked and Renjun sighed in exasperation, gently tugging Donghyuck away from the younger and rubbing his back gently.

The ravenette, could tell that everyone's eyes were on him and so, in the most sarcastic voice he could muster, he said, "yeah, that was our display on all the different ways you shouldn't approach a choking person. Thank you for all watching, you can take your leave now," and as if on cue, the bell for the end of lunch rang.


"Remind me to never trust any of you guys to save me if I'm dying," Chenle glared at the four, voice still hoarse from his near-death experience.

"I didn't do anything though," Mark and Jisung both said at the same time and the youngest Chinese boy squinted his eyes at them in disappointment.

"Exactly, you didn't do anything and you left me in the clutches of death," he shrieked, flailing his arms up in the air and pointing to Jaemin and Donghyuck consecutively. "And Jeno hyung was the worst, he just slept through it all," he continued, jabbing a finger in the direction of the said boy, who was currently walking over to the table with Renjun.

"Yeah, but if I was awake, I would've actually done something useful unlike these idiots," the blonde exclaimed as he handed his spare shirt to the younger, "anyway, it'll probably be a little bit big on you but you can keep it, it's brand new."

Chenle thanked him and Renjun who had just handed him a towel, getting up and making his way to the bathrooms to change out of his wet clothes.

"You're all crazy," the black haired boy said as soon as he sat down. They were the only ones left in the canteen, everyone else having gone to their next lessons while the seven boys skipped.

Jaemin pouted and Donghyuck scoffed, muttering something about being an amazing first-aider under his breath.

"Trust me when I say that no medical professional would ever-" Jeno was cut off by a fork flying in his direction, which he easily side-stepped before sitting down, "-do what you did."

"Okay, but my question still hasn't been answered," Jisung mumbled, and luckily this time, no one was caught off guard.

"No, they're not, Ji. Injunnie told me that he isn't dating anyone, right?" Jaemin replied instead of Renjun, glancing at the elder to confirm.

"I- no, no we're not," he stuttered, casting his gaze away and to the general direction of the bathrooms which Chenle went into.

"What's wrong with you?" Donghyuck exclaimed, leaning over the table to poke at the Chinese boy's cheek, "why do you suddenly look so upset?"

"Huh?" the ravenette snapped his head back, glancing between each of their curious stares, "n-no, it's just that-"

"Just what?" Mark questioned.

"I'm kinda worried about him..."

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