15 - Spain

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I got woken up by the alarm I set because I'm going to Spain today!

I looked on my phone to see I had a message from Jade.

Hey girl! Can't wait to see you
Are you awake yet?

I just woke up
See you in...
12 hours!

I put down my phone and put on my outfit I got ready, put on some makeup and tied up my hair.

I tidied up my room a little.

I go on the plane in 2 hours but I hate being late so I always leave too early.

I went through my house and made sure all my lights were out because I was gonna be gone for a week.

After I checked I grabbed my suitcase and my keys, I also grabbed my baggage for on the plane which contained my laptop, my headphones, my ipad, my charger, my phone and some other stuff.

I went outside and locked my door. I put my suitcase in my trunk and got in my car.

I put on music and pulled out of my driveway. The ride there was about 30 minutes. I was 10 minutes in until I got a call from Matt.

I accepted it and put it on my car speaker.

"Hey." He said. "Hi." I said.

"What are you doing?" He asked me. "Driving." I answered simply. "Oh, you want me to go or...?" Matt said.

"No, stay, otherwise I can't text nor call you for another 7 hours." I said.

"Mhm." He mumbled. "And we promised to call everyday soooo." I dragged on.

"So how are you, it's been a while since I saw you." Matt said.

"Matt it's been..." I trailed off, trying to think.

"Less then 2 days." I said.

"I know but it's so boring with you not here." Matt said and I uncontrollably smiled.

"So you think Nick and Chris are boring?" I said.

"Yeah. I mean, not necessarily but it's just like, I'm a really boring person so-" He said but I cut him off.

"No Matt don't say that, you're not a boring person!" I said.

"You think?" He asked. "I think you're really entertaining." I smiled even tho he couldn't see me.

I heard him giggle a little.

So cute.

"What?" I asked. "Nothing, nothing. It's just really nice to hear someone say that." He chuckled.

"Okay. But it's true tho!" I said. "Thank you June." He said.

"I can call for 30 more minutes because I have to go on the plane in 40 minutes." I said.

We called for the whole 30 minutes while I was checking in and everything else.

"I gotta go." I said.

"Okay, text me when you can please." Matt said. "Of course." I said softly.

"Bye June." He said. "Bye Bernie." I said back.

I was just on time to go on the plane.

I went on the plane and waited until the people started explaining the safety thingy and all that stuff.

I buckled up and the plane started moving. The takeoff was pretty good.

After I could, I unbuckled and pulled out my laptop where I had all of my movies.

I clicked on the first one I saw and put on my headphones.

After that movie I watched another one, and another one.


576 words

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