38 - Flower Field Date

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"June?" A soft voice whispered from behind me.

I felt two arms were wrapped around me.

I turned around and got met by Matt.

I subconsciously smiled at making eye contact with him.

"Today is our first date of the week." Matt smiled.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked him.

"You'll see, just... wear something comfy and cute, I know you'll succeed in that because you look cute in everything." Matt smiled before kissing my forehead.

Butterflies flood my stomach as I giggle.

Matt stared at me a few minutes until his alarm went off.

"That's not supposed to be on." Matt mumbled and I giggled.

He turned it off and looked back at me.

"I better get ready." I whispered but Matt wouldn't let go of me.

"Matt." I giggled.

"Fine." He grumbled, letting me go.

I stood up from the bed and looked in the closet we had already filled.

I picked a cute outfit like Matt asked and went in the bathroom to do my makeup and change.

When I got back Matt looked me up and down.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You look cute." Matt mumbled and I giggled.

"So this is a good fit?" I asked and he nodded.

"Definitely." He said, getting up from the bed.

He gave me a kiss before grabbing clothes and walking in the bathroom to get ready.

I put on shoes while Matt got ready.

Matt walked out the bathroom and sat down next to me to put on shoes.

"Shit. I almost forgot the biggest thing of our date." Matt said, standing up and reaching for something on the closet.

I saw him grab a bag with things inside. I couldn't see what was in it tho.

"Let's go." Matt said in the most Matt way possible, grabbing the hotelroom keys.

I grabbed my purse and my phone.

"After you." Matt said, keeping the door open for me.

I giggled and walked out the hotelroom.

Matt followed and we went out the hotel.

"We're walking there." Matt said.

"Is it far away?" I asked and Matt shook his head.

"No. It's really close, only around a 5 minute walk." Matt said and I nodded, smiling.

Matt put his free hand out and I grabbed it and we started walking.

We talked the whole way to wherever we were going and we laughed.

Matt stopped and turned to our left.

I looked to our left to see a garden arch, covered with flowers.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"You'll see." He teased, walking forward.

I walked next to him and he stopped 10 minutes after.

Now we were standing on a flower field.

"Where are we Matt?" I laughed.

"A flower field, this is where our date is gonna be." Matt said and I smiled.

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