32 - Healing Day

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Matt has had his stitches out for a couple days now, he can already eat and drink, but not talk, well, not that good.

And today we're gonna work on that.

"Okay, can you try to talk?" I asked and he nodded.

"I love you." He said. "Did that hurt?" I asked him.

"Less." He mumbled and I nodded.

"Do you think the more you talk, the less pain you're gonna have?" I asked and he nodded.

"So you can talk now, basically?" I asked and he nodded.

"Give me an answer, work on your talking." I said.

"Yes, I can talk." Matt mumbled and I nodded.

"So now you can answer?" I asked. "Yes." Matt said.

"Sorry, Matt. Without me in your life this would've never happend, I ruined your life and I'm really sorry." I said.

"No. I only had pain for a few weeks. I have you for life." Matt mumbled.

"Still, I should've protected myself from Luke, than you would've never had pain in the first place. I hate being the reason you're hurt." I said.

"Hey, Luke's the reason I got hurt, okay?" Matt mumbled.

"He targeted me first." I mumbled and Matt's face softened.

"I'm scared. I need more clothes, Matt. I can't just live off of your clothes. I need to go back home some day." I said.

"I told you we were going when I was healed, now I'm almost fully healed so maybe we can get your stuff tomorrow." Matt mumbled before he groaned quietly.

"Talking still hurts, huh?" I asked and Matt nodded.

"Only if I say too much." Matt mumbled and I nodded.

"Then don't say too much." I smiled and so did Matt.

"What are we doing today?" Matt asked.

"We're healing you, we're gonna try talking and try walking." I said and Matt nodded.

"So let's start." I said. "First exercise, walk down the hall 4 times with me." I said and Matt nodded.

I helped him up and walked out his bedroom.

"And while we're doing this, you're gonna talk to me, you're gonna tell me what Nick looks like. If you hurt, tell me." I said and Matt nodded.

We walked down the hall 4 times while Matt explained what Nick looks like.

"Did any part of that hurt?" I asked him when we reached his bedroom again.

"A little, when I was walking. Talking is going way better, but still hurts sometimes." Matt said and I nodded.

"Do you think you need me to walk you down the hall again or can you try walking alone?" I asked.

"I think I can walk alone." Matt said and I nodded.

"This time, I want you to explain what Chris looks like, and walk down the hall twice." I said and Matt nodded.

He limped down the hall twice while he explained what Chris looks like shortly.

When he got back he held on to me.

"So, walking is still a little hard, but a lot better, right?" I asked and Matt nodded.

"And talking?" I asked. "I think I have to talk a little more but then it'll be fine." Matt said and I nodded.

"Okay, now I want you to walk down the hall 8 times, explaining what Nate looks like. Do you think you can do that, be honest?" I asked.

"Maybe. I'll try." Matt said and I nodded.

Matt limped down the hall, explaining what Nate looks like, on his 4th time of limping, he started to walk.

He mixed limping and walking on his last 4 times.

"That's going better, right?" I asked. "Yes. I may need some more training tho." Matt said and I nodded.

"Okay, last exercise, I want you to try to walk down the hall 10 times and explain what I look like, can you do that?" I asked and Matt nodded.

"I can try." Matt mumbled.

He walked the whole 10 times and explained what I looked like really good.

When he got back to me I hugged him carefully.

I pulled back and looked at him.

"I lied, there's one more exercise." I whispered before kissing him.

He kissed back and we pulled back after a while.

"Doesn't hurt." Matt smiled and I laughed.

"I don't think I can walk the stairs yet, tho. There I'll still need your help." Matt said and I nodded.

"Sorry for doing all this to you, Matt." I mumbled.

"Hey, stop saying that." Matt whispered.

"Luke hurt me, you didn't. Let me just settle this, you aren't the bad guy. You helped me, you're the hero." Matt said.

"I guess we're both heroes then, I mean, if you weren't there, I'd die, like, kinda literally." I said and Matt smiled.

"See, that I can accept. We're both heroes." Matt whispered and I smiled.

"I'm glad you're okay." I said. "I love you." Matt whispered, hugging me.

"I love you too, Matt." I chuckled, hugging him back.

The rest of the day was just Matt and I relaxing, talking to each other, you know.


872 words

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