57- happy birthday

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"can you believe they're 1 year old already oh my god." matt mumbles.

"shh. they're still sleeping." I speak. "I'm gonna set up everything, you get some sleep okay?" matt asks me before kissing my forehead.

"I don't want you to do everything alone." I whine quietly. "don't worry about me, baby. they were up all night and you took care of them." matt whispers.

"if you insist." I giggle softly and matt nods. "plus it's only 8 and everyone's coming over at 2." matt mumbles and I nod.

"I love you." matt whispers before gently pressing his lips on mine. I kiss back and smile.

"I love you more." I smile. "that's impossible." matt shakes his head, peppering kisses over my face, making me giggle.

"get some rest." matt gets up from the bed and heads downstairs.

with a content sigh, I close my eyes again.

I stir awake and peel open my eyes. I get out of bed carefully and look at jake's and hailey's cribs, empty.

matt must've taken them downstairs when they woke up.

I go to the bathroom and use the toilet before washing my hands, doing my skincare and walking downstairs.

"good morning princess." matt greets me with a kiss and leads me to the kitchen.

"you cleaned everything up?" I ask and he nods. "and I already fed and burped both babies. we're good to go." matt smiles.

"ugh you're the best boyfriend someone can wish for." I smile and matt wraps his arms around my waist.

"nick and chris called and said they were on the way." matt announces. "yeah amira and isabella are also on the way." I add.

"balloons, check. cake, check. babies, check. mother, check." matt turns to me and I smile.

"wow." I sigh. "what?" matt asks. "nothing. just crazy how they're already 1." I smile softly.

"and I'm so happy." I add. "it just sucks that they're luke's, y'know." I sigh.

"hey, no! it's our babies' first birthday and I told you I never want to hear that name come out of your mouth again. I'm the father. maybe not biologically but I count." matt speaks and I nod.

"you're right. fuck him." I speak and matt nods. "that's the spirit." he smiles.

a knock on the door sounds through the house and matt smiles. "I'll go. you stay with the babies." matt smiles before kissing my temple and going to open the front door.

I walk over to the table where both babies were sat in their high chair and smile at them.

"any of you gonna coincidentally start walking today, too?" I ask in a sweet, soft voice.

they coo at me and I smile. "you're so cute." I smile at both of them.

"hello baby mommy." I get greeted by nick like THAT? "nick." I laugh. "hello." I smile, hugging him.

"hellooooo." nick hugs back. we pull away and I hug chris. "I'll get it." matt says after the doorbell rings.

chris and I pull away and he head to hailey since jake was occupied with nick.

"guys please." I laugh. "what? it's their birthday." nick smiles.

"hey bitchhhh." I hear from behind me, immediately knowing who it was.

"amira!" I smile, hugging her. "hey mommy." she speaks in my ear.

"stop oh my fucking god you are not allowed to say that." I laugh, immediately regretting it after hearing amira's answer.

"only matt can call you that, huh?" she says and I smack her arm. "stop it." I laugh. "nobody can say that." I shake my head.

"hey sis." I smile, hugging isabella. she hugs back and I smile.

"welcome to our humble abode." matt smiles, holding my hand.

"yeah. once again." nick deadpans. "don't say that I know you love being here." matt speaks.

"I'm joking, damn. is my nose still here?" nick fake feels for his nose and I laugh.

"let's celebrate my babies." I smile and everyone nods.
100 follower special

just an extra chapter to this fanfic :)

nothing big

unless anyone of you that's reading high school sweethearts want a chapter today cuz I can fix that🤷🏼‍♀️

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