55 - dad

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"say dada! dada!" Matt smiled at the baby he's holding in front of him.

"Matt she's only 7 months. she's not gonna say it yet." I said as I walked in the living room with Jack on my arms.

"I'm not giving up! she can say it I just need to get it out of her." Matt defended.

I hummed and shrugged. I turned back to Jack as Matt continued.

"can you say dada?" Matt asked Hailey in a high voice.

"say dada." Matt smiled softly as he rocks her.

"dada." Hailey mumbled.

"did you hear that?!" Matt exclaimed, looking at me.

"hear what?" I teased, knowing she said it.

"she said dada." Matt smiled proudly.

"oh that? yeah I heard that." I said.

"June don't do this now. it's an important thing for my fatherhood." Matt noticed.

"sorry. yes I heard she said dada." I smiled.

"why are you not excited?" Matt asked as he looked at Hailey and she cooed.

"I am." I smiled as I sat on the couch next to Matt.

"but I'm holding a baby." I said.

"oh my god she said her first word." I smiled, realizing what happened.

"she's gonna be walking soon." I teared up.

"June that's a good thing." Matt comforted me.

"oh god she's gonna be graduating." I sobbed softly.

"yes. in 18 years, June." Matt said.

"okay." I sniffed and shrugged.

"now you, Jacky." I smiled at Jack.

"say mama." I smiled. "dada." Jack said immediately.

"of course." I sighed and rolled my eyes, looking at Matt.

"it's not my fault." Matt shrugged.

"you're such a girl dad, now that I see it." I said after I gasped.

"am I?" Matt asked and I nodded.

okay so that was it :)))

I'm not even gonna bother saying I'm gonna stop this story since few people say they love my
fanfics and want more and I'm fs theyre gonna do it after this one again so I'm not even gonna bother

not long though

I won't tell you what next chapters gonna be but I'm gonna give you a hint and if you don't know then idk what to tell you

'I do'

IR123 out :)

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