28 - Meve

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*Eve's POV*

I just woke up. Yesterday was like a dream. But it wasn't. At least I hope so.

I felt 2 arms that were wrapped around me.

I looked behind me. It were Matt's arms.

Didn't I fall asleep in the couch?? Maybe not. Or maybe Matt carried me to my bed. No. I probably just fell asleep here.

I carefully picked up my phone and looked at the time.

11 in the morning. Pretty good time for me to wake up.

I wanted to wake Matt too, but he looked so peaceful so I just let him sleep.

But, if I move, he wakes up. So I guess I gotta stay in bed until he's awake.

I just carefully went on instagram.

After about an hour or two Matt finally woke up.

"Good morning June." Matt's morning voice sounded. I turned around and looked at him.

"Good morning Bernie." I smiled. "Did you sleep good?" I asked him.

"I slept great, you know why?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Because the most beautiful girl ever was laying in my arms." Matt said and I smiled.

"Since when have you like, loved me?" I asked him.

"Since the first time I saw you. On your insta." Matt said and I giggled.

I looked down to hide me blushing.

Matt tilled my head up with his hand and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Oh no. Do we have to keep this a secret? I don't think your fans will be hap-" I said but Matt cut me off.

"I don't care. I'm not hiding you." Matt said and I nodded and smiled.

"Actually, talking of fans, I'm gonna post this." Matt said and I looked at him.

"You're gonna post us being together?" I asked and he nodded.

He grabbed his phone and posted a picture of him and I kissing with the caption

'#Meve is happening irl'

"Don't feel like you have to post too, you don't have to." Matt said.

"Oh no I'm gonna." I said. I grabbed my phone and picked a picture of Matt kissing my cheek with the same caption as Matt.

As soon as we posted it the comments kept running in.

Matthew.sturniolo added to their instagram.

Liked by EveMiller, nicolassturniolo and 1

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Liked by EveMiller, nicolassturniolo and 1.4 million others

#Meve is happening irl

Tagged: EveMiller

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