58 - June wake up

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"June wake up." Matt whispers softly, attempting to shake awake his wife gently.

Eve groans tiredly and rubs her eyes messily, before peeling them open and looking at Matt with squinted eyes.

"What? It's 6 fucking am." Eve mumbles, turning her back towards Matt.

Matt doesn't take it personal. He knows Eve's on her period and she's just grumpy and hungry.

"Baby it's 11am." Matt holds back a giggle and Eve looks over her shoulder to Matt.

"Really?" She mutters, and Matt nods. "Why did you wake me up?" Eve complains, and Matt just smiles softly and wraps his arms around Eve's shoulders, pulling her into his chest.

"I wanna take you out on a little date." Matt smiles, pressing a soft kiss against Eve's temple.

Eve totally melts into Matt's touch, delivering her a better mood, and she smiles up at Matt.

"What about the kids?" Eve asks, sitting up in the bed and rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"I asked Nick and Chris to come watch them. They're five years old, they'll behave." Matt explains and Eve nods slightly.

"Give me...two hours to get ready." Eve groans before flopping back onto the bed and Matt giggles softly.

"C'mere." Matt smiles, getting up from the bed and picking Eve up bridesmaid style, before bringing her to the huge ass bathroom they have.

Matt sets Eve down on the closed toilet seat and keeps an eye on her as he unpacks all her makeup.

"Okay okay I get it." Eve mutters softly, a fake annoyed tone obvious in her tone.

"Hm. If you're keeping up this attitude I guess I won't take you out on a date." Matt sasses back, and Eve whines.

"No no no I'm sorry I love you so much." Eve attempts, standing up and wrapping her arms tightly around Matt's neck.

Matt tries to keep up a poker face but just can't. How could he ever when he's this lucky.

"Okay I'll take you out on a date again. I love you so much more." Matt smiles, his arms snaking around Eve's waist, as he pulls her closer.

Eve smiles and presses a quick kiss to Matt's lips before pushing him out of the room and closing the bathroom door.

"Be down in an hour." Matt speaks more in a questioning tone and Eve nods, "Got it. I love you baby."

"I love you more, angel. You know that." Matt speaks behind the bathroom door before he leaves.

Eve smiles to herself as she covers up her blush with concealer.


After 30 minutes Eve was done with her makeup. She exits the bathroom and looks into the closet.

She already knows Matt's taking care of the kids so she doesn't have too. Eve takes out her outfit and changes in it, before fixing her hair.

Eve doesn't know where they're going, but she also senses that it's not going to be some expensive ass restaurant where she has to wear a dress, and that's fine.

You see, Eve and Matt prefer chill, fun dates over expensive, overly romantic dates.

Matt's still very romantic, but neither of them is down to spend +$1000 on a date.

For Eve and Matt, everything's fine as long as they're together.

Eve closes the bedroom door before heading downstairs, already hearing Jake ramble about whatever he dreamt about this night.

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