22 - Date?

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Christophersturniolo added to their story.

Christophersturniolo added to their story

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When I woke up I grabbed my phone and looked at the time

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When I woke up I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.

Too early to wake up but I didn't want to go to bed again because I wasn't tired anyway.

I just scrolled on TikTok for an hour when I saw someones finger clicking the refresh button out of nowhere.

I looked behind me and saw Matt.

"Jezus Matt you scared the shit outta me." I said. "My bad." He said.

"What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were sleeping in the guest bedroom?" I asked.

"I was." Matt mumbled. "Then how come you're here?" I asked him.

"Sorry. I don't know why I came here. I just felt so lonely in the guest bedroom alone and I know I could've slept on the couch with Chris and Nick but I went here and it was the wrong decision I'm sorry." Matt apologized.

"Why are you so concerned about it Matt? It's fine, honestly." I said.

"It doesn't sound fine." Matt mumbled. "Sorry. It's really early. But I promise it's okay." I said.

"You sure?" Matt asked. "Of course." I smiled and Matt smiled back.

"Are we gonna do something today with Chris and Nick?" I asked Matt.

"About that. I was wondering if we could go out. Like, just... well, just us two?" Matt asked, stuttering a few times.

"Just you and me?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure. Yeah of course. Where do you wanna go?" I asked him.

"What if we just like... stay at your house but send Chris and Nick away for a couple of hours." Matt said and I giggled.

"What?" He asked. "Nothing. Yeah I would love to." I smiled and Matt smiled back.

Is this a date? I'm not gonna ask him, it'll be awkward if it's not.

"When are we doing this?" I asked him. "Is in 2 hours good? Then you have time to kick out Nick and Chris." Matt laughed.

"I have to do it?" I laughed and he nodded. "Fine." I laughed and so did Matt.

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