41 - Guess Who's Back

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When I woke up I looked on my phone.

I had messages in the groupchat with the triplets.

When are y'all coming back home?

Today. Why?

Because I don't wanna waste too much pre-filmed vids cuz you're not here

Oh yeah my bad

Right, y'all wasted a pre-filmed pod episode and wednesday vid

Yup but it's fine
What time are y'all coming back?

We're coming back in two hours, we'll be back home in three hours


Are y'all still in my house?

Of course

Is it still standing?


It better be when I get back

I put down my phone and looked behind me to be met by Matt, already looking at me, holding his phone.

He put down his phone and smirked, making eye contact with me.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Nothing. I'm just thinking." He continued smirking.

"What are you thinking?" I asked, turning my whole body to him.

"It's not important." Matt mumbled.

"I wanna know." I said, cupping his face.

"I'm just thinking how lucky I am." Matt smiled.

"For what?" I asked him confused.

"For you." He mumbled shyly before looking down.

I lifted his head up with my hands and saw him blushing.

"You're adorable." I giggled.

He looked at me and smiled.

"You're beet red." I chuckled.

"Well you would too if the perfect girl is your girlfriend." Matt said.

"Oh how well you know me." I said and Matt chuckled.

"For real tho, I'm so lucky to have you." Matt said.

"You fell for a fan. Isn't that like... agains't the rules?" I asked.

"First of all, I make my own rules. Second of all, you're not just a fan." Matt said softly.

"What am I then?" I asked him.

"You're my girlfriend, my best friend and the best thing that ever happened to me." Matt said and I appreciated it but I was shocked.

I mean, not even a year ago, I was binge watching the triplets' videos every single day, dreaming that I'd meet them on tour, have a small talk with them, a picture and go back home.

Not that I'd be friends with them, let alone, best friends.

And I would've never, ever, think Matt would be my boyfriend.

And think I'd ever be in one of their videos, five of their videos.

This is amazing.

Matt Sturniolo even loves me.

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