48 - Oh No...

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Luke's been in jail for 5 weeks now.

I went back home as soon as I heard that he was sentenced a year in prison.

I've been sick for a week.

I've been throwing up, especially in the morning, I've been nauseous, I've had a backache, I've been craving crazy foods.

And my period's late.


I grabbed my phone and went to google.

Please don't tell me...

'Pregnancy symptoms'

"Nausea, sickness in the morning, backache, food cravings, missing period." I read out loud.

Oh no...

I put on clothes as fast as possible and went out my house.

I locked my door and got in my car.

I pulled out of my driveway and started driving down the street, towards the shop.

When I got there I parked my car and went in the store.

I grabbed 2 pregnancy tests, to be sure, and went to pay for them and drove back home.

I did the test and put them on the counter.

I crossed my fingers, hoping not to be pregnant because that would just ruin my future.

I mean, I don't really think Matt would stay together with someone that's pregnant at 20...

I waited 2 minutes and looked on the test.

"Negative." I breathed out happily.

I went back to my bedroom and went on my phone.

After a while I had to go back to the bathroom.

I went back to the bathroom but got stopped the second I walked in the bathroom.

The test results changed.


"No." I sobbed.

I can't be pregnant.

What now? Do I give it away?
Put it up for adoption? Keep it?

What do I tell Matt? And Nick or Chris. And Isabella and jaden.

What do I tell my mom, Jade, everyone I know.


I guess I have to tell Matt...

I grabbed my keys of the car and the house and my phone.

I locked my house and got in my car.

I drove to Matt's house as fast as possible and got out the car.

I knocked on the door and Matt opened.

"June? What are you doing he-" He started but I cut him off, hugging him.

He hugged me back as tears fell from my eyes.

After a while we pulled back and Matt looked at me.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"I- I..." I stuttered.

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" I asked, seeing Nick stand behind Matt.

"Of course, come in." Matt said.

I followed him in and then followed him to his room.

When we got to his room, Matt sat on his bed and I closed the door behind me.

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