35 - Group Sleepover

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I just realized I forgot Nate in the last chapter sorry. He's in the sleepover though authors note.

"Let's get this party started!" Amira yelled, running into my house.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We should bake cookies." Isabella said.

"Why do we always bake cookies on sleepovers?" Jaden whined.

"Because it's fun." Nate said. "I don't have cookies anymore, I baked them all." I said, looking at Matt and he smiled.

"Let's order food." Chris said. "Chris we literally just ate." Nick answered.

"I have an idea. I will drive to the 7/11 and I'll get some snacks." I said.

"Yeah. And I'll come with you." Matt said and I smiled.

"Okay. Meanwhile, we're gonna make a fort, Chris come help me." Isabella said.

"Hell yeah!" Chris yelled, running after Isabella.

"Bye, have fun." Nate said, also going to my living room to make a fort.

"Yeah bye." Jaden and Amira said.

"Bye lovebirds." Nick said before walking away.

"Wait Nick!" I said and he stopped walking and looked at me.

"You're in charge." I said and he nodded.

"Let's go." Matt said, grabbing my hand and walking out the door.

We went in the car and Matt drove this time.

7/11 is 10 minutes away from my house so we just talked.

"What do you want?" Matt asked, walking in the 7/11.

"We need a few things. First thing, popcorn." I said and Matt nodded.

Matt grabbed the popcorn and I looked on the list.

"Skittles and m&m's." I read off of the list.

Matt nodded and grabbed skittles and m&m's.

"And now drinks, I don't have that at home." I said and Matt giggled before nodding.

"I want a root beer, Nick and Jaden want drPepper, a Pepsi for Chris and Isabella, orange juice for Amira and, Nate also wants Pepsi. What do you want?" I asked.

"Root beer." Matt nodded and I smiled.

I grabbed all the drinks and we went to pay for them.

"I want this too." Matt grabbed two packs of gum.

The cashier scanned everything and gave us the bags.

I reached for my credit card but Matt had already payed.

Matt grabbed the bags and we went in the car.

We drove back to my house and when we got back I walked in my house and was left shocked.

"Chris you did this?" I smiled and he nodded.

"With help, of course." He said, looking at Amira, Jaden, Nick, Nate and Isabella.

"Okay so I have an idea, I just got it." Nick said and I looked at him.

"What if we do facemasks? I mean, you have facemasks right Eve?" He asked and I nodded.

"Of course and I'm totally down." I said and Nick smiled.

"Let me just get a picture if this first." I said, pulling out my phone and taking a picture.

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