46 - Police

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When I woke up, I didn't remember anything from yesterday.

I just know Luke was here and that he made me pass out.

I just hope he didn't do anything bad.

I checked my phone and looked on iMessage.

Matt texted me plenty of times and he called me plenty of times.

I called him and waited for him to pick up.

"Hi." I said weakly after he picked up.

"Hey. Why didn't you answer the phone?" He asked.

"Well..." I started.

"Luke came back." I breathed out.

"What!" Matt yelled but I just stayed quiet.

"What did he do?" Matt asked angrily.

"I don't know." I sobbed softly.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He raged.

"I— I... I passed out." I mumbled, sobbing.

"June..." Matt said softly.

I stayed silent, crying.

"Stay there, I'm coming over." Matt said before hanging up.

I dropped my phone in my lap and bursted out into tears.

What did he do? Do I even want to know?

After a while I heard my door bell ring.

I stood up and wiped my eyes but it was obvious I was still crying.

When I opened the door, Matt immediately hugged me.

I hugged him back, tightly.

After a while we pulled back and he looked at me.

Tears dropped from my eyes as I looked down.

Matt put his hand on my cheek and lifted my head up, wiping my eyed.

"What do you remember?" He whispered.

I told him everything I remembered until I passed out.

"Oh June." Matt sighed, hugging me again.

"Why me?" I sobbed, hugging him back.

"I don't know. Out of all people, you're the one that doesn't deserve it the most." He comforted me.

"That's the thing, they always go for those who don't deserve it." Matt said.

"I'm so sick of him, Matt." I sobbed.

"Do you remember what I said the last time he reached out to you?" Matt asked.

I pulled back and looked up at him.

"No." I sniffed.

"If he reaches out to you again, I would report him to the cops, I said." He said.

"You can't." I mumbled.

"Why not? He deserves it." Matt said.

"He is a cop." I sobbed.
(girl be fr rn)

"June... he still did something terrible." Matt said.

"He's also Amira's brother." I mumbled.

"She'll understand. And if she doesn't, let her. What he did is literally traumatizing. Whatever he did when you were passed out, it can't be good." Matt looked in my eyes.

I sighed and looked down.

"I guess." I sighed.

"You don't need to worry about it, I'll take care of it." Matt said.

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