26 - Fuck You

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I was just on my phone until I heard my doorbell ring. It was Matt.

I stood up and went to my door.

I opened my door and saw Matt. He looked so good.

"Wow. You look... wow." He smiled. "You too." I said.

"You ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

I grabbed my purse and my phone and went outside.

"After you." Matt said, opening the passenger door.

I got in the car and so did Matt.

He pulled out of my driveway and put on a Spotify playlist. My Spotify playlist.

I hated this. I saw him with a woman and now I'm sad and mad while he's not even my boyfriend. He's so sweet but I just wanna know who that woman was.

I'm a nosy person.

The ride to where we went was not that long from my house, I always went there and I knew what it was.

It was a little restaurant, perfect for a date.

Matt parked his car on the parking lot and we went inside.

The waiter walked over to us and asked on what name the reservation was.

"Sturniolo." Matt answered. The waiter led us to our table and we sat down. We sat outside.

"We could've sat inside but I know you love sitting outside at night." Matt said and I nodded.

"So what did you do today?" Matt smiled.

"I was at the park with Amira." I said and Matt's smile dropped.

"And I saw you." I mumbled. "June, I can explain. It's not what it looked like, I promise." Matt said in a defensive tone.

"Yeah yeah. That's what they all say. Fuck you Matt!" I said, standing up and walking away.

"June I can explain!" Matt yelled. I just kept walking.

Maybe I overreacted a little.

I didn't go home. Instead I went to the old abandoned movie theater. That's where I always go when I don't want to go home and I'm frustrated.

I sat on the piece of wooden floor that fell from the second floor down to the first floor.

I just cried, basically. After a while it got late, it was already 11.

Eventually I decided to go home.

When I got home I did NOTHING.

Literally, as soon as I closed my door I went to my bedroom and sat on bed and stared at the ground and zoned out.


I got snapped out of it when my bedroom door opened.

I looked at my door and saw someone standing in the door opening.


"Let me explain. Please." Matt said.


446 words

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