21 - Reunited

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*Matt's POV*

I just woke up happier than ever. Why? You may ask.

Because it's July, which means, I'm going back to Boston today.

Which means, I'm going to see Eve again. Finally, after 6 months.

I'm so hyped bro. I've only seen her on FaceTime.

As we promised, we called every day for 163 days. Yes, I counted.

And today I finally get to see her again.

I missed her so fucking much.

"Hey babe." Chris smiled, coming into my room.

"Never call me that again." I deadpanned.

"You wish someone else would call you that, huh." Chris joked.

"Shut up." I said and he laughed.

"You're already awake, I see." He said in a weird ass tone.

"Yes, we leave in an hour." I said, looking at him like he was stupid.

"Yes, yes. But normally you wake up 15 minutes before we go so..." He said.

"Get out. I need to change." I said. He sighed and rolled his eyes before he walked out.

I put on a hoodie. After I was fully clothed I went downstairs to see only Nick.

"Looking good." Nick said and I smiled.

"And I know why." He mumbled, loud enough for me to hear.

"Yes Nick, I miss Eve and that's why I'm looking good. That what you wanna hear?" I mumbled.

"I don't need to hear it, I know it." Nick said and I rolled my eyes.

"Go get Chris, we're leaving early since everyone is up already." Nick said and I nodded.

I went downstairs and barged into his room.

"Grab all your shit, we're leaving early." I said and I walked back to the kitchen where Nick was.

We waited a few minutes on Chris while we ate.

"Let's go!" Chris yelled, doing a cartwheel.

"Okay." Nick said in the most Nick way possible, heading to the door.

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed the keys.

I walked out and locked the door behind me.

"Matt open the fucking door it's freezing!" Nick whined.

I unlocked the car doors and Nick got in immediately.

Chris was laying on the floor like he was dead or something.

"Chris get up." I said but he didn't move.

I walked towards him and stood over him.

"I'll go celebrate mom's birthday just with Nick then." I teased but it didn't work.

"I'll have fun. Hang out with Justin. And with Eve of course. And I'll have so much fun with Nate." I said and he shot up.

"Not without me!" He whined. "Get in then." I said and he immediately got in car.

I got in too and pulled out of the driveway.

The ride to the airport wasn't that long.

After we got there we went in the airport and did all the airport stuff. I mean, Nick did it.

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