| Im Leaving |

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"You want to be with both of us?" Zhi was making sure he was hearing him right.

"I mean, we all already have so much chemistry, and this past weekend was hella fun for me. I wouldn't mind it always be this way."

"Yeah, but that was just on some spontaneous shit, to actually be committed to more than one person, I don't know if I can do it."

"What happened back there in the movie? I believe you're not as opposed to it as you claim." Ace smiled.

"Yea, and I still don't even know what that was." Zhi said.

"You didn't care while it was happening,"

"Trouble, what you got to say?" Zhi asked.

"I don't really think it matters because Ace already made up his mind." He glared at him, not seeming so happy.

"So y'all don't like fucking each other?" Ace turned in the passenger seat to look back and forth between them both.

Trouble stared at him through the rear-view mirror. "I like fucking Zhi," he winked.

Zhi broke eye contact to look down at his fingers. Okay, this was getting weird.

"But I don't feel good about this." Trouble shrugged.

"So no, from both of you?" Ace sounded disappointed.

"What would be like...the rules?" Zhi asked.

"Well, we'd only be sexually active with each other, we all do stuff together, never just the two of us. We go on dates together, trust each other...the normal things you do in a relationship. It's just that it's 3 of us."

"Can we think about it?"


When they pulled up at Zhi's house he ran to catch up with Ace. "Can you hang back for a minute?"

Ace turned to Trouble. "I'll be in the room." Trouble kissed his lips. Once Trouble was inside, Zhi asked Ace to walk around to the patio with him.

"I don't want to do it. Ace, I told you this morning. I only want you." Zhi spit it right out.

"I can't just leave Trouble,"

"And I'm not asking you to, I just don't wanna do it." Zhi repeated. "This shit isn't me; it isn't us."

"How you speak for me?"

He sucked his teeth. "Ace, do you honestly forgive me for everything? You understand me when I say I am so sorry..."

"I do,"

"And you trust me?" He asked.

"With my life..."

"I never want to do anything with your boyfriend again, okay." He walked by the pool. "I think you need to watch out with him...I mean, who wanted the threesome?"

"Both of us," Ace answered quickly.

"Yes, but who put it into motion?"

"He did, and tonight at the movies, did you know he was going to do that?"

"No, I didn't, but I wanted the threesome, I just wasn't vocal about it."

"You don't think anything off about that? I don't wanna be the pawn in your game or to help spice up the bedroom or for y'all to play out your fantasy, or for him to teach you a lesson."

"You know you mean more than that." Ace stopped him.

"I'm just starting to feel uncomfortable about everything and I only said in the car, I would think about it because I love you, but I don't want to in that way. He cool and all but I don't know."

Never Meant to (Book one of series)Where stories live. Discover now