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Arohi's POV:

My husband is an impossible man. I had a really hard time hiding the hickeys he gave me last night, and today again he gave me a hickey.

Uhh it's so not easy to hide those big bites. After breakfast I had to rush into my room and hide the new one. I did it all in a rush and I'm not even sure if it is hidden properly or not, hufffff.

I still remember his words from last night. Those words made my heart lose a beat. I don't know if he feels something for me or not. If we have a bright future or not. But I just want the time to stop here itself. I want to keep this moment with me forever.

This doesn't mean I've forgotten his past words. I remember it and those words hurt like a bitch. But I can't deny that he is not the same as before.

Yes, we still have arguments and fights, but he doesn't call me with names anymore...

I was so lost in my thoughts that I collided with a wall. Wait there isn't any wall here!! I looked up to see a smirking Sameer.

Ohh mother earth, please open up and swallow me. His smirk clearly tells that he saw Mr. Mehra.

"Where are you lost Mrs. Arohi Abhishek Mehra" I so want to erase that stupid smirk.

"Samee!! Lower you voice. You know no one knows" I said sushing him "And where is Riti? I haven't seen her for past 2 days"

"I don't know, she isn't coming to the college. And when I called she said that she's busy with something" he said shurgging.

I nodded and we went to our class. The day was so hectic. But still I took some time to thick about my devil husband. Umm I'm thinking of changing his name from devil to something else.

See he doesn't behave like a devil anymore na... (smiling sheepily)

My phone pinged with a message. I checked to see it's Riti.

Riti👻 - can I stay at your place for a some time?

I was confused reading her text. There is something that's troubling her. I need to see her. So without any other thought I said yes.

Riti👻 - Don't tell Sameer please. Will tell you everything later.

I agreed and texted her my address. I know that I should ask Mr. Mehra first, but I have a feeling that something is not right.

Me and Sameer we did our assignments together, and then I left for home.

I reached home and got changed into something comfortable. I was going downstairs when the elevator pinged open. And there comes Mr. Devil all laughing with someone.

I climbed down to see a handsome man coming with him. Well he looks good but not as much as my husband.

I looked at the duo and they stopped seeing me.

"Hello bhabhi so nice to meet you. I am Varun Oberoi, your husband's best friend"

I was shocked as to know that this man knows about our marriage, but then again as he said, he is my husband's best friend. So yeah he must be knowing.

"Nice to meet you" I shook hands with him.

"I must say you're way more beautiful than I imagined. I don't know how you end up with this sulking man" he said in a flirtous tone, making me laugh. I could feel his eyes burning holes in me, but I cared less.

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