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Arohi's POV:

Why god why? Why is this man hell bent on spoiling the kids? I know they are his kids as well, but that doesn't mean that he will spoil them? If it goes like this, my kids will be typical spoiled brats.

Oh you must be thinking what happened na. So the me and Abhi bought the kids to the supermarket. We were out of wheat and spices, and the kids and their father refused to let me go alone.

So now here we are at the store, and the kids are literally, like literally pulling each packet in their tiny carts. And the best part? Their father is giving them ideas like add this add that.

I glared at him when he helped Abhir to pull out another chips packet from the top. He just ignored me.

"Ic clem" Abhira said eyeing the row that has nothing but ice cream.

"No! No ice cream for either of you" I pointed my index finger to the father-kids trio.

"Let them buy it na Aru" he said and the kids looked at me with a pout. I can literally feel their eyes throwing stars my direction.

"Nahi matlab nahi" I glared them and pushed the cart further to the vegetables section.

I started packing the vegetables I'm different poly bags. I saw mangoes and knowing that these three are crazy for it, I bought like 7-8 mangoes.

The trio followed me like a lost puppy. With a constant pout. I bought more necessary items for home and the kids, then we went for the billing,

"Ma'am your total is £200" the billing girl said and I just lost my breath.

£200means approx 21k indian rupees. With no job I am already broke and now added expenses. Urghhh I should just go back to India. At least India is cheaper than this freaking country.

"Here" Abhishek gave her his credit card. I glared him and he just kissed my cheek.

The billing girl smiled at him extra sweetly while giving back the card. I glared her and took the shopping bags. Didn't she see he kissed me and  even has two kids?

I huffed leaving the supermarket and from my peripheral view I can see a smirk on his face. We settled in his car and he drove off.

The car ride was filled with the talks of the energetic twins. I gave no heed to him and looked out of the window.

Going to the supermarket with kids was something I did after a long time. Usually I went alone and the kids stayed back with caroline or at the day care. They both trouble a lot while shopping, but this time they were behaving well. They definitely fear their father.

Meri to kisi ko kadar hi nahi hai *weeping in corner*

We reached home and caroline was already waiting in the front to take the kids to the park. The kids went off with her without any delay, and started telling her about the shopping they did.

I chuckled at their antics. Little kids are just so pure. And mine are the purest and cutest. I can get angry on them but their one smile will melt my heart at the snap of a finger.

We took the shopping bags upstairs and entered the lift. I can feel his gaze on me but I didn't bother looking at him. I am still angry with him for spoiling the kids.

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