• Jax x reader romantic hcs •

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Sorry if my spelling, punctuation, etc is bad I'm not good at them :,(


• Before you started dating Jax he would make fun of you, play pranks on you, tease you, and just be mean in general (basically he acts the same with you with anyone else but is flirty,eases you alot, and is clingy.)

• But when you start daring get ready for him to get MORE clingy

• This dude gets jelous easily and loves your attention

• If he isn't getting enough attention from you Jax would try to scare you or just drag you away if your talking to someone.

• If your easily flustered be ready for him to tease you, flirt with you, and pick on you ALOT MORE.

• Jax likes to cuddle you but he's to embarrassed ask you to (you'll have to ask him yourself)

• LOVES YOUR KISSES!! He will start to blush and stutter slightly but he'll never tell you he likes them

• In general he's kinda iffy about pda. If he's feeling pretty confident he'll do alot but for the most part Jax will hold your hand

• Just because you guys are together doesn't mean he'll stop being mean to you. He would be nicer to you out of everyone else but he would definitely still play alot of pranks on you




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