• Caine x reader romantic hcs • R!

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I feel so popular 😘 /j

REQUEST BY: Abigail269135


• At the start of your guys relationship he would be pretty nervous

• Out of nervous habit whenever he would be around you he would fix his tie/suit. He wants to make sure he doesn't look bad around you!

• Even if you guys are now in a relationship he still does it

• If he wanted to do anything with you he always would ask

Can I cuddle you? Can I hold you hand? Can I hug you? Can I compliment you? CAN I SPEAK TO YOU?

• After a while he would get passed his nervousness and not do that alot

• He would flirt with you alot. He wouldn't care who was there to see he would still flirt and tease you

• If your with this dude be ready to hear alot of cheesy pickup lines. YOU WILL NOT CATCH A BREAK. Especially if you guys are on a date

• Somtimes instead of going the challenges Caine would take you to a restaurant

• Everytime you both would plan a date Bubble would always find a way to interrupt the date. Causing him everytime to get popped by Caine

(RIP Bubble)

• Without fail by the end of every date you guys would end up cuddling (if your good with physical touch)

• I feel like Caine would be a very touchy person.

•Always holding your hand, hugging you, kissing you (idk how but still)

• He tries to blow kisses to you even tho he can't really. He would just do the hand gesture and do a kiss sound ig

• ON THE TOPIC OF KISSING- Caine loves your kisses! Dont know where you would kiss him but yeah!!


I don't know what else to writeee 😔

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