• Jax + Child! reader hcs • R!

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You should know this is platonic cuz you know...it's a child reader. 🥰

I'm making the reader like 10 or somthing close to that because Jax is 22

THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST!! Avahasagermanshepard


• When Jax first met you he felt a connection with you.

• You were just a kid who didn't know why they were there like the others.

• The more you guys talked and hung out the more of a bond you guys got. You viewed him as your older brother and he thought of you as a little sibling

(if gender not specified by me it's non-binary)

• You and Jax would always hang out together and he would always pick on you and tease you.
It didn't really bother you tho

• BUT IF SOMONE ELSE DID THAT TO YOU... you would get angry and yell at them or just walk away

• When Jax would do pranks, most of the time you helped him with it (You guys would mostly prank Ragatha.)

• Even if Jax teases, picks on you, or plays pranks on you alot he is very overprotective of you. If anyone picks on you he would do somthing to get back at them

• One time you called him your older brother and to this day he still teases you for doing it (idk just feel think that would happen)

• Jax definitely has a bit of a soft spot for you lmao. He won't be that  mean to you


Yeah idk what else to put-

Yeah idk what else to put-

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