• Yan! Caine x reader oneshot • R!

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Yeah I didn't really know how to write this and im surviving on coffee rn 😔

I finished writing this and I just realized that I didn't write the ready shy like you wanted IM SO SORRY 😭

REQUEST BY: lolligxrl



You sat in your regular seat at a restaurant with Caine. Lately, He has been more clingy and possessive of you. Always by your side and never letting you out of his sight. Most of the time you couldn't even hang out or do the adventures with the others! Caine would always telport you somewhere else to 'hang out' and today a new person appeared. Her name was Pomni. You wanted to try to get to know her and maybe make a new friend but Caine had to drag you to a restaurant. So you sat there begrudgingly with him.

"H-Hey uhm..Caine..?" You say to him quietly. Even if you were fed up and wanted to spend time with your friends you were still nervous to ask him. Caine looks up from the menu and stares at you.

"Yes y/n?" Caine responses, staring at you unblinking.

"So...I was wondering if you can telport me back to the circus..? I just want to get to know Pomni and do the adventure you set up!" You explain to him quickly "And maybe get away from you for a bit..."  You say in your head. You see his pupils shrink slightly as he hears you speak.

"Hahaha...! Don't be silly, don't you want to be here..With me?" He forces out a small chuckle as he speaks. He didn't want to you leave. He wanted you to stay with him.

"I mean of course I do-" You were about you continue but Caine quickly stops you

"GREAT! Then you can stay here with me so we can finish our da- I mean dinner!!" Caine started at you while he speaks a bit frantically. He didn't want you to go hang out with other people. I mean you guys were meant for eachother! And if your meant for eachother you should stay with eachother.

You awkwardly shift in your seat, you really didn't want to be there. Being with him just made you uncomfortable but you were to scared to tell him no to any of your hang outs. You look away from him, not bothering to talk to him or to look at the menu. You guys sit in slience for a few minutes until Caine finally speaks.

"What are you going to order sweetheart?" You slightly cringe at the petname.

"I'm sorry Caine... but I really want to go back. We can go to a restaurant some other time.." You admit to him. You see his eye twitch

"Come on! Let's just get our food, eat and then leave. Why go do the adventure with everyone else when you can stay with me!!" He says to you, even if he sounded normal there was a slight tone of demand in his voice.

"Please. I want to go to the circus. You can finish dinner with Bubble," You say to him again. He looks at you annoyed. Before he could do or say anything to you Bubble interrupts.

"Caine? Your WackyWatch is going off," Bubble says to him. Caine stops staring at you and looks down at his wrist.

"GASP! An alert on my WackyWatch at his hour?" You internally sigh, hoping it'll force Caine to back you back.

"Oh no!! Someone's venturing out into the void!" He says. Caine was still angry about you wanting you leave the date he set up. A part of him wanted to ignore but he had to send everyone back. He begrudgingly teleports you back to the circus as he go's to the void to retrieve Pomni.

"There you go! Now, what the heck happened around here?" Caine says as you looked around your surroundings to see it was a mess because of the gloinks.

"Oh, yeah. My doing,"

"Anyways me and y/n will be heading back-" Right as you heard him say that you ran away, all the way to your room. He was about to snap but he realized there was people around. Caine set aside his emotions and try to get on with everything. Right as he put Kaufmo in the cellar and gave everyone a digital feast prepared by Bubble teleported away. Sure he was angry that you didn't reciprocate his feelings and how you tried to leave him. But, he would make sure that by the end you both would be together.


Sorry I didn't know how to end it. I decided to get this one over with but the updates will be slower. I don't got motivation and there's some things happening in my life rn

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