• What would they do if they were jealous? • R!

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This was requested but I can't remember who asked for it so yeah




• She would look at you while you were talking to other people

• Gangke would start sulking about not getting attention

• Until she gets so jealous that she would try to get you away from the person saying that she had something important to show/tell you

• Most of the time she wouldn't take you away from the other person

• When she does after she'll apologize after

☆ Kinger ☆

• He will get needy and start tugging you towards his fortess

• Eventually you will have to excuse yourself as he takes you to the pillow fort

• He just wanted to cuddle :((

☆ Caine ☆

• He gets jealous easily but most of the time he wouldn't show it

• But sometimes he just needs your attention

• Soo Caine would interrupt your conversation with the person and say how 'He needed help with something' and would teleport you both away

• He wouldn't be sorry. Caine just needed attention!!

☆ Jax ☆

• He wouldn't give a fuck if he was interrupting your hang out, it would think it's your fault for neglecting him

• Without warning he would just drag you away from the person

• Once both of you made it somewhere else he would still be mad at you

• Jax would be a bit rude to you but he would soon forget it once you finally give him attention

☆ Ragatha ☆

She will try not to show she was jealous but she would stand near you

• If Ragatha got really jealous she would just make an excuse about why she as to take you away from them

• Once you guys are alone she'll apologize tho

☆ Pomni ☆

• Pomni would get a bit fidgety as she tries to push the feelings of jealousy deep down

• After a bit she couldn't take it anymore. She just wanted attention!!

• She would walk up to you and explain she saw a 'exit door' nearby and would make you go with her

• Eventually she'll apologize for taking you away from your conversation with the person

☆ Zooble ☆

• I feel like they wouldn't get jealous easily

• It would be like if you didn't talk/hang out eith then for a while, hanging out with other people

• Zooble would give you and the other people glares

• Until they had enough and dragged you away saying they need to talk to you


I just realized I never said my gender someone asked me it so yeah. I'm a girl 😜🤯😋🤯😜🤯😋

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