• How would a first date go with them? •

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Uhh yeah
Btw ima try to post everyday but I might now be able to.

(We gotta pretend they can go to different places like Caine can)


☆ Gangle ☆

• Poor Gangle, she would be a nervous mess

• She would be apologizing her anything she said or did and always stuttering

• She wouldn't take you to a restaurant but instead have a nice calm date back home

• She would have a movie date with you. Mostly cheesy romance movies

• If you picked a horror movie it would terrify her. She would cover her hands or find under a blanket

• After watching some movies you guys would do paper mache are some arts and crafts (I hc that they enjoy that.)

• Gangle would even make you a paper bouquet of flowers

• You guys would cuddle after and you would get tangled in her ribbons

☆ Caine ☆

• He would take you out to a fancy restaurant

• Caine would for sure be nervous but try to cover it up

• Before you got to the restaurant he was so nervous that he accidentally telported to the wrong place a few times

• He would make jokes and flirt with you. Surprisingly he can be very charming

• During the dinner Bubble interpurts you guys and he pops him :(

• After the dinner he would take you back to the circus and you guys would just go to his room and just talk

• Eventually you guys would fall asleep together I'm his bedroom

☆ Jax ☆

• Before you guys actually went on a date he would make jokes about going on a date with you

• But as soon as you agree to go on a date he tries to back out.

• Against Jax wishes you guys go on a date. It would ether be at a restaurant or at the movies. He would do ANYTHING to get out of it.

• He even tried to run away before you got there and after you got there.

• He would try to mask his nervousness and flusteredness with making jokes and trying to flirt but you could see through it.

• After the date you guys would go back. You guys would end off the day by pranking a few people and just sitting down together to just talk.


• Instead of going to a restaurant or somewhere else she besides to would be nice to have a nice simple date at the circus

• You guys would go somewhere calm and quiet and have a tea party!

• Both of you would justbe talking and having a nice time besides the times Jax would try to annoy yall


• I don't really know where she would take you but wherever you guys go she will be extremely nervous. Fidgeting and stutter while on the date with you

• You would have to reassure her some times

• She would give you a stuffed teddy bear and flowers tho!

(Dont know what else to write for her)


• They wouldn't really care where the date was. As long as they were on a date with you it's was all good

• That doesn't mean Zoobke wasn't nervous tho. Compared to the others they weren't really nervous

• It probably wouldn't even feel like a date. It would feel like you guys just hanging out

• But Zooble does get you a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate (if you don't like/eat chocolate they give you your favorite snack)



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