• Jax x reader oneshot •

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My first time writing a oneshot so sorry if it's terrible-
Idk if this counts as angst but whatever.🤭

★ 2ND POV ★


You have stayed in your room for a few days now. You've  been trying to find a way out of the digtal circus. There HAD to be a way out. You have been seeing exit doors and they would always disappear. Kaufmo was right now the exits. Now you was sitting in your room. You hadn't been talking to anyone, even before you shut yourself in my room. When you would talk to someone you would always bring up the exits. You think they were starting to think you were going to get abstracted, But you hadn't...yet.

Youve spent all my time trying to make sense of everything. You thought that you didn't have to eat or sleep but Ragatha was right. Even tho we don't have to it was nice to once and a while. It made all of this feel normal and the adventures Caine does would make us not go insane.

Right now you was sat down and staring blankly at the wall. You didn't hear Jax unlock your door and come in. One of the friends you had made here was Jax. Both of you had grown to be best friends, always picking on eachother, teasing eachother, and pulling pranks together. You guys would even flirt with eachother! It wasn't a secret that both of you had a crush on eachother but you or Jax have never made anything official.

Jax was feeling worried about you. For the first few days he didn't worry about you. He thought you were acting a little wierd but over all he thought you just needed some space from everyone. But the more you locked yourself in your room and finally until you wouldn't come out it really did worry him. Luckily he had a key to everyone's room so he could get into your's easily. He gets into your room and he sees you spacing out and staring at the wall. He walks up to you and trys to get your attention.

"Y/n?...y/nn!" Jax repeats your name as he trys  to get your attention. Finally he just taps you and he finally gets your attention. "H-Huh..? Oh. Hey Jax," You mutter to him, not bothering to look at him to continue staring at the wall. "Uhm. You good n/n? You've been in your room for a couple days now and you and your room looks like a mess." He says to you, sitting down next to you. It tales you a few seconds to respond. "I've just...been thinking about things...thinking about the exit doors," You say to him. Jax sighs and he turns you to face him.

"Come on! You've been locking yourself in your room because of some exit doors you've seen!?" He mutters somthing under his breath and he continues speaking. "Y/n. You werent there when Caine said this..but there's no exit. The 'exit doors' you have been seeing are just one of Caine's unfinished projects!" Jax says to you a bit loud, trying to get it through your head. "I...- There's no exit..?" You ask to him quietly, you couldn't believe this. You really thought you had a way out. But no, it was all fake. "YES! There is no exit. Now could you get out of this awful room? I was starting to think you might have gotten abstracted!!" He says to you, getting up from the floor.

You sigh softly and you get up from the floor. You wanted to cry but you didn't feel like it right now. You thought it would be kinda nice to finally go something instead on going insane because of some stupid exit door that didn't exist. "Sure. We can go.." You say to him as you both leave your room.

For a few hours you guys hung out, talking to eachother and Jax telling you to help him prank some people. You were glad that Jax got you out of the room because if you stayed there any longer you could've gotten abstracted. After pranking people you guys were just sitting down with eachother. None of you were talking, it wasn't awkward. It was peaceful. After a few minutes of slience between you to Jax mutters somthing to you. You look turn face him, curious on what he said.

"What did you say?" You ask him. Jax looks away from you out of embarrassment, blushing slightly. "I was...worried about you. I was scared I was going to lose you.." He mutters to you. You blush and you smile softly. "Well thank you I guess. I mean if you didn't get me out of my room I would've ended up like Kaufmo," You say to him  jokingly. You hear Jax take a deep breath and he looks at you. "Y/NILIKEYOU." Jax confesses to you quickly. He stares at you wanting are an reaction or response. In a matter of seconds your face turns red and you stare at him in shock, soon you start to smile and you respond to him.

"I like you to Jax."

★ FIN ★

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