• What they would do if you became un abstracted? • R!

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Kinda in continuation of the one where the reader gets abstracted



☆ Gangle ☆

• She noticed banging/screaming in the cellar because basically all day, everyday She would sit in the spot you get put into the cellar

• When you did come out of the cellar and say you were not abstracted anymore She start sobbing and hug you

• You would have to comfort her lol

☆ Kinger ☆

• He would hear the banging/screaming from the cellar but thought it was just from somewhere else

• But when he did see you, not abstracted anymore he thought he finally went crazy

• He would scream and hide in this fortess, to scared to go near you

• You would have to calm him down and explain you real and he didn't go crazy

• After that he would try to keep you in his fortess so you wouldn't get abstracted again

☆ Caine ☆

• He was the one that had to get you out of the cellar but he was just in shock the whole time

• Caine would start crying as soon as he got out of his shocked state

• He would spend the rest of the day with you. He was just so happy and relieved!!

• After he wouldn't let you out of his sight. He would always have to make sure you okay and not going to abstract

☆ Jax ☆

• As soon as he heard you we not abstracted he ran to see you.

• He just stared at you widen eyed and frozen, not knowing what to do or say to you

• When he finally came to his senses he ran up to you and surprisingly hugged you

• (he shed a few tears but would never admit it)

• He would get a bit more protective of you after that, he didn't want you getting abstracted again

Ragatha ☆

• She had to take a double take when she first saw you

• When she realized you were really there she admittedly ran over to you and hugs you tightly while crying onto you

• Ragatha would stay with you 24/7, always holding you hand. She was so scared of you getting abstracted again

☆ Pomni ☆

When she first saw you she thought it was her imagining you again

• But when he finally realized you weren't her imagination and you were really back she would start shaking and crying

• She was go to you silently and just hug you

☆ Zooble ☆

• Kinda like Jax she just stood there in shock when they saw you

• When he snapped out of it they walked up to you and hugged you, telling you how they were so glad your back and okay

• Zooble would get very protective over you for now on. Always being near you and somtimes actually holding you hand.


I got another abstracted hcs coming up 💪

I usually post these at 6 am but I'm to lazy to post it then so why not post it 2 hours early!!

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